
NEWSLINK: U.S. Supreme Court May Rethink Broadcast Indecency

Article Excerpts:

[L.A.TIMES – 3/2/08] – The Supreme Court this week may reopen for the first time in more than 30 years the debate over what qualifies as an “indecent” broadcast. The media environment has changed dramatically since 1978, when the court last ruled on this issue: Today’s viewers and listeners are exposed to the more freewheeling cable TV, Internet and “shock jocks” on satellite radio. The issue before the court now is delicately described as the problem of “fleeting expletives” in over-the-air broadcasts, which are still regulated.


If the justices do take on this dispute, they will be obliged to ponder the many meanings of what the lawyers call the f-word and the s-word. Federal law does not provide much guidance. It forbids the broadcasting of “any obscene, indecent or profane language.” Congress has left it to the FCC to decide what that means.

<End of article excerpts>

Read the rest of this L.A. Times report here:
Supreme Court may rethink broadcast indecency – Los Angeles Times

RELATED INFORMATION: New Federal Law Increases Obscenity Fines for Broadcasters:

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FPN President Joins Call to President to Nominate Pro-Decency Justice