Mississippi Personhood Amendment Fails
Sadly, the Mississippi Personhood amendment failed on Election Day by a margin of 58% to 42%.
The amendment would have outlawed abortion in the state by defining human life as beginning at conception, which is a scientific fact (See Human Life Begins at Conception). It was hailed by many pro-lifers as the most significant and most well-supported effort to end abortion in America since the US Supreme Court’s Roe vs. Wade decision in 1973.
Polls released the day before the election seemed to indicate the measure would pass, and pro-lifers began to get excited about the prospect of striking a heavy blow to the grave injustice that claims more than 3,000 precious lives each day in America. But, on the night of the election, it soon became clear that the measure once favored to pass by a large margin would instead be defeated handily.
Disappointed pro-lifers immediately began asking how such a drastic reversal could have occurred, especially in a state as conservative as Mississippi. Mississippi has long been seen as part of America’s “Bible Belt,” a characterization which refers to the dominance of evangelical Christianity in the state.
Evangelical Christians are known for their belief that every human reflects the image of God (Gen. 1:26), as well as their understanding that the Bible prevents the murder of fellow image bearers (Ex. 20:13). Scripture’s teaching that each of these image bearers was knitted together in the womb by God himself (Ps. 139:13-14) is foundational to the belief that human life is deserving of legal protection from conception onward. Furthermore, evangelical Christians affirm Christ’s teaching that their actions toward the most defenseless members of society reflect their true attitude toward Christ Himself (Mt. 25:40).
Yet, one of the most disappointing results of the night was the realization that many so-called Christians had actually voted against the amendment. Sadly, if the amendment results in Mississippi are any indicator of the modern state of the “Bible Belt,” belief in the Bible’s authoritative teaching on the value of life has most definitely buckled.
However, there is good news to be found in the aftermath of this heartbreaking defeat.
These efforts were not in vain. Over a quarter of a million voters in Mississippi voted to affirm the value of life as created by God from conception. Many of these pro-life Mississippians knocked on doors, made phone calls, and distributed literature in support of the amendment. As a result, many people in Mississippi have been exposed to the truth about abortion, and many hearts and minds have been changed.
By casting their ballots in support of the amendment, these courageous voters defied our bloodthirsty culture to defend the countless tiny bearers of God’s image who cannot defend themselves. Their efforts to stand against the prevailing tide of murderous injustice have doubtless served to ignite a movement that, Lord willing, will continue to grow and expand until those unborn humans who are the most weak and vulnerable among us are finally valued and protected by law.
Though the defeat may sting for a season, Christian pro-lifers must remember that God is sovereign. He reigns and rules over the affairs of men, and He was not surprised by an election that surprised us. Driven by the strength of Biblical conviction, we must continue to love the least among us. God calls us to faithfulness, regardless of the possibility of success.
Our hearts’ longing for justice must compel us to keep working for the protection of our fellow image bearers, but that longing also reminds us of the sure promise that one day, God will let “justice run down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream” (Amos 5:24).
Genesis 1:27
So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.