
Must-See Video Shows Unborn Child’s Development in the Womb

The video you see here is a 10-minute lecture and presentation by Dr. Alexander Tsiaras, a well-known mathematician, scientist, and author who wrote a book called From Conception to Birth: A Life Unfolds.

The lecture and video presentation from Dr. Tsiaras are absolutely fascinating. He is not a Christian, so the video contains his attempt to grapple with the sheer complexity of the human body without acknowledging God’s amazing role in the entire process (Psalm 139:13-14). Dr. Tsiaras struggles to describe the staggering intricacies of the human body using words like “magic” to describe the process of fetal development. He seems so close to recognizing God, and yet so far away.

This video is important to the pro-life movement. Images have unique power, and God created it this way. Words can be deeply moving and inspiring, and it is for this reason that pro-life activism of words and writing must continue. But words can only accomplish so much; their effect is limited by the imagination of the hearer. Videos like this one, on the other hand, require no special imaginative abilities. They simply present reality as it truly is and often push the viewer to confront this reality in his own heart and mind.

Powerful images like the ones presented in the video force us to acknowledge the God-ordained value of human life. These images prick our hearts and consciences for a reason. Our often impassioned response to them attests to the immeasurable worth of human life created in the image of God.

Enjoy the video. There are a few instances of graphic imagery, but they aren’t presented distastefully.

Psalm 139:13-14
For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well. (NKJV)