
US Senate Considers Granting Marriage Benefits to Homosexuals

[FPN] – The United States Senate is considering a bill that would grant marriage benefits to homosexual federal employees and their “partners.” The Senate will hold a hearing September 24 on the “Domestic Partner Benefits and Obligations Act,” which is a bill intended to grant homosexuals the benefits reserved for one-man, one-woman marriages.

The homosexual activist organization Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has dispatched its legal team in support of the pro-homosexual bill. HRC activist Laura Schwartz even indicated she wants small businesses to be forced to grant “marriage” benefits to homosexuals by federal law.

Family Policy Network policy analyst Alexander Mason expressed opposition to the measure, saying, “Homosexual activists know that a majority of Americans oppose homosexual ‘marriage,’ so they view this measure as a way to get around the eight-letter ‘m-word,’ but still offer full benefits to homosexuals with taxpayer dollars.”

Mason also expressed his concern that the bill’s passage would be a government endorsement of destructive behavior. “The homosexual lifestyle is largely marked by increased disease rates and early death. The United States government should not be giving financial incentive to those trapped in the deadly homosexual lifestyle.” He added, “Offering marriage benefits to homosexuals will only encourage them to remain in the destructive lifestyle.”


Family Policy Network:

FPN’s Homosexual Ministry Outreach:

FPN Leader Defends the Need for Federal Marriage Amendment on CNN:

Read FPN’s Policy Paper on the 5 reasons to oppose adding “sexual orientation” to hate crimes law: