
Breast Cancer Event Criticized for Funding Abortion Provider

By Rusty Pugh – April 13, 2006

A Texas-based pro-life advocate wants to help get the truth out about the world’s largest abortion-provider. John Pisciotta of the group Pro-Life Waco has been working to publicize the fact that the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure — a breast-cancer research fundraiser — donates large amounts of money to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

He says Planned Parenthood has done a good job of painting itself as a group that helps women. But that is not the truth, says Pisciotta. “I call this organization ‘Planned Promiscuity’ — and one of the things they’re about is luring our children into promiscuous sex where they can sell them birth control and so forth and also make money off of diagnosing their STDs,” the pro-life activist says. “They’re an ‘anything goes’ sex philosophy, and they’re the nation’s number-one provider of abortions — over a quarter of a million a year nationwide.”

Pisciotta encourages people to conduct their own research on Planned Parenthood, which he believes will reveal to them that the abortion-provider makes money through the suffering of women and children.

By Rusty Pugh, AgapePress – Copyright, 2006. All Rights Reserved.


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