
Focus on the Family Under Fire from Pro-Life Leaders

Groups Say Partial-Birth Abortion Victory Was Overstated

[Washington Post – 6-4-07] – The heads of the American Life League, Operation Rescue/Operation Save America and the Catholic group Human Life International are attacking Focus on the Family and National Right to Life for “overstating” the benefits of a recent Supreme Court ruling in favor of the federal ban on partial-birth abortion.

The Post’s Alan Cooperman reports:

Chuck Donovan, executive vice president of the Family Research Council, a Washington advocacy group allied with Dobson, said the dispute is the most visible rift in the antiabortion movement in at least a decade. He called the ads “a bit bizarre” and said they “might be an attention-getting device” for some of the signers, which also included the heads of the American Life League, Operation Rescue/Operation Save America and the Catholic group Human Life International.

“But,” he added, “there are certainly a fair number of people, including in our own building, who think the [Supreme Court] decision’s practical importance has been overrated — that, practically, there may not be even one fewer abortion in the country as a result.”

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