
Failed Attempt to Legalize Sodomy Was “Ill Conceived”

NEWS CONTACT: Joe Glover – 804-419-4483 ext. 456

– The Courts of Justice Committee of the House of Delegates once again has handily defeated a measure that would have legalized sodomy in Virginia. A leader of a Virginia-based pro-family organization said that the proposed change was “ill conceived,” as it would have had a devastating impact on public health.

Joe Glover, President of Family Policy Network (FPN) said, “Sodomy is a dangerous activity with deadly consequences, both for the people who practice it and for the general public. The Commonwealth of Virginia has a vested interest in seeing that its citizens’ lives are not destroyed by unnatural sex acts.”

FPN compiled a list of health consequences associated with sodomy, which is provided to legislators regularly to educate them on the deadly nature of anal and oral sex. The data is currently posted on the organization’s web site at

One example of the data found on the site is a recent study commissioned by Oxford University that found persons engaging in sodomy by age 20 have just over a fifty percent chance of reaching age sixty-five.

“It’s ironic that liberal activists are advocating a deadly activity, as if they are doing the people who practice it a favor,” Glover says. “Meanwhile, diseases like AIDS, HIV and Hepatitis are all spreading as a result of such activities. There’s no way dropping the sodomy statute would benefit the citizens of Virginia.”

The Courts of Justice Committee also rejected a bill that would have reduced sodomy from a felony to a misdemeanor. Family Policy Network opposed this legislation, too.

Family Policy Network is American Family Association’s affiliate organization in Virginia.


For more information on this story, see:
Oxford Study Finds Sodomy Is Deadly