
“Jury is Still Out…”

A recent newspaper story carried by several newspapers across the country quoted a pro-family leader who said, “The jury is still out about what social conservatives think of George Allen.” The article was written by Los Angelos Times Staff Writer Janet Hook, who provided a snapshot of the current field of prospects for 2008 GOP presidential nomination.

Family Policy Network (FPN) President Joe Glover told Hooks that George Allen’s conservative reputation is largely undeserved, since the first-term U.S. Senator has been inconsistent on several issues important to social conservatives. Glover said most conservatives who look closely at Allen’s record will find it troubling.

One issue Glover says Allen has problems with is abortion. According to Glover, Allen revealed his ignorance of pro-lifers’ concerns while he was speaking to party activists in Davenport and Cedar Falls, Iowa. When asked about his position on a newly adopted abortion ban in South Dakota, Allen said it “goes too far.” According to a 3/18/06 Associated Press article Allen said, “AT A MINIMUM, (emphasis added) there has to be an exception for rape and incest.” The article reported that he added, “In those cases, the woman is the victim of a crime.”

Glover reacted to Allen’s comments by saying, “With that speech, George Allen proved he is completely out of touch with the underpinnings of the pro-life movement. While a woman is certainly a victim whenever a rape occurs, a subsequently murdered, unborn child suffers a much more horrible fate. If George Allen doesn’t know that, then he clearly doesn’t understand what motivates the average Republican to fight for the lives of unborn babies.”