
Charlottesville School Board Approves Pro-Homosexual Measures

NEWS CONTACT: Joe Glover – 804-419-4483 ext. 456

– In a 4 to 1 vote Thursday night, the Charlottesville, Virginia School Board approved two controversial measures intended to protect people from discrimination and harassment on the basis of their sexual orientation.

Two representatives from the state affiliate for the American Family Association testified before the panel, warning the new policies would legitimize destructive behavior at a cost too high for the city and its people.

Family Policy Network (FPN) Communications Director Jay DeLancey told the school board that other localities approving anti-discrimination policies have had to fight expensive legal battles with disgruntled employees who happen to engage in unnatural sexual acts.

DeLancey said, “During the first year after Wisconsin led the nation in passing a law banning discrimination against sexual orientation 100 complaints were filed against the government.” He added, “This was only in the first year, but can you imagine the increased cost of running a government just in dealing with these complaints?”

FPN President Joe Glover told the board that students and teachers should not be barred from criticizing homosexual behavior. “Advocates of homosexual sex acts throughout North America say that any statement calling their activity sinful, dangerous or destructive to one’s life is, in itself, ‘hateful,’ but this could not be farther from the truth.” He said, “When advocates of traditional family values warn others that sodomy is deadly, they are sounding a warning of concern; not of ‘hate’.”

Glover distributed to school board members copies of a recent scientific study demonstrating the grim consequences of homosexual sex acts. The report, published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, concludes that persons engaging in sodomy by age 20 have only a 50% chance of reaching age 65. After citing the statistic Glover said, “This is tragic.”

One activist who supported the new anti-harassment policy demonstrated her hypocrisy by wearing a T-Shirt directing venom toward conservative Christians. It read, “So Many Right-Wing Christians – So Few Lions.”


To read Joe Glover’s statement to the Charlottesville School Board, click here.