
Read What Virginians Are Saying About Universal, Tax-Payer Funded Abortion in Health Care “Reform”

[FPN] – Residents across the state of Virginia are voicing their opposition to a congressional proposal that would use taxpayer money to pay for abortions under the guise of so-called health care “reform”. Pro-family Virginians are signing Family Policy Network’s petition urging both houses of Congress and President Obama to reject health care “reform” that provides universal abortion funding on the backs of American taxpayers.

The text of the petition reads as follows:

Please OPPOSE any and all attempts to include funding and/or mandates for abortions in health care “reform” legislation.

Destroying innocent human life is not “reform” by any means. The Bible clearly states “Thou Shalt Not Murder.” Our nation should not engage in the slaughter of its citizens and I should not be forced to fund it.

Many Virginians who signed the petition opposing taxpayer-funded abortion added their own comments to the statement above. Here is a sampling of those comments:

    • Joseph G. in Woodbridge, VA writes, “Now the Federal government is in the the business of telling you what religious beliefs you have to accept. It’s time to vote out all these law makers who lack any common moral sense.”


    • Michelle S. in Lynchburg, VA writes, “Abortion takes the lives of our fellow humans and fellow Americans. They, too, deserve the right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and abortion should not be included coverage in health care reform.”


    • Cheri G. in Lynch Station, VA writes, “I refuse to be forced to fund the murdering of unborn babies!! That is not “reform”!”


    • Ann R. in Yorktown, VA writes, “We murder more babies in this country than the terrorists kill every hour! I’m on my knees praying you make the right decisions in your position of “working for me!”, and stop supporting this behavior.”


    • Janet R. in Bedford, VA writes, “I urge you to forego the rush to pass this bill and, more importantly, to forego taxpayer funded abortion on demand in the “essential benefits” provision of the bill as it stands. President Obama’s promise of transparency in government has been more than woefully deceptive. It has been a lie. It began with the budget bill that had not been read and continues with this bill being snuck through Congress, and by the American people. This administration has only succeeded in fear tactics and bullying to push through an agenda much more radical than promised. The devil is in the details, none of which are openly debated and made public.”


    • Larry B. in Alberta, VA writes, “This is an outrage!”


    • Diane G. in Lynchburg, VA writes, “Abortion is not an “essential benefit” of healthcare. It harms women and children.”


    • Samuel M. in Lynchburg, VA writes, “The unborn have rights, too.”


    • David T. in Virginia Beach, VA writes, “Abortion is a blood sacrifice to Satan.”


    • Alice M. in Wilsons, VA writes, “I do not want my tax dollars to pay for something I adamantly oppose.”


    • Iris C. in Farmville, VA writes, “I oppose abortion. I consider it murder and do not wish to see murder of unborn children legalized.”


    • Richard R. in Fredericksburg, VA writes, “I believe that life begins at conception. I object to tax money going to fund abortions.”


    • Maria C. in Woodbridge, VA writes, “Just because this President and his Administration have NO morals, does not mean we, the American People, have to be as Godless as they are!”


    • Mike T. in Lynchburg, VA writes, “‘To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical.’ –Thomas Jefferson: Statute of Religious Freedom, 1779″


    • William C. in Fairfax, VA writes, “Mandatory federal funding of abortion is an abomination for any conscience-driven and ethical caregiver. To command such caregivers to perform procedures against the laws of God and common sense is nothing less less blasphemy of the highest order and shows the Obama government’s contempt for medical ethics and the drive to preserve human life.”


    • T.G. H. in Blackstone, VA writes, “A child is a gift from God and has been from the beginning of time. It is also Scripturally spoken as such, a gift. The baby not wanted by one is wanted by thousands of others. There is a way to handle unwanted pregancies other than abortion. The public should NOT be forced to fund abortions with taxes!”


    • Karen S. in Glen Allen, VA writes, “I am strongly against any funding of abortions in any health care bill.”


    • Wendy J. in Lynchburg, VA writes, “Life is precious and planned parenthood should not be getting money to murder the innocent.”


    • David B. in Quinton, VA writes, “Please do not use my money to murder unborn babies!”


    • Jeffrey S. in Virginia Beach, VA writes, “Killing unborn babies isn’t a Constitutional right. In fact, all of the founding documents of the United States of America talk about the protection of all life.”


    • David R. in Nokesville, VA writes, “‘And I’ve noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born.’ -Ronald Reagan”


    • Lauren L. in Charlottesville, VA writes, “Obama’s plan is an atrocity to society!”



By signing Family Policy Network’s SECURE petition, your name and contact data will be compiled with many others from all over the United States who are opposed to seeing their tax dollars fund abortion. Your petition will be automatically forwarded to your congressman, two senators and President Obama with an admonition to reject health care “reform” that includes universal, taxpayer-funded abortion.

To sign this petition now, click here:
OPPOSE Abortion Coverage in Healthcare Reform

Thank you for your support. Let’s pray together that any proposals to include taxpayer-funded abortion in the health care bill will fail.


Family Policy Network:

URGENT: Oppose Abortion Coverage in Health Care Reform:

Family Policy Network (FPN) is an independent, national, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with board members and advisors in Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia and Tennessee. The group has supporters and participants in every state in the nation.