
Read What Americans Are Saying About Hallmark’s “same-sex couple” Cards

[FPN] – – Many citizens throughout America have joined a boycott against Hallmark Incorporated in response to that company’s introduction of so-called “same-sex couple” greeting cards. (See a sampling of petition-signers’ comments from all 50 states below.) The boycott, which was announced in August by Family Policy Network (FPN), has attracted committed participants in cities and towns throughout the nation.

FPN is hosting an online petition that explains the boycott and gathers endorsements from individuals and like-minded organizations at BoycottHallmark.COM. The text of the Boycott Hallmark petition reads as follows:

To: Hallmark Cards CEO Donald J. Hall

In Isaiah 5:20, God warns against exchanging good for evil by saying, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (NKJV)

In Mark 10:6-8, God’s design for marriage is expressed clearly by Jesus Christ, when He declares, “But from the beginning of the creation, God ‘made them male and female.’ For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh.” (NKJV)

I urge you to withdraw any and all products sold by your company that celebrate, condone or otherwise encourage homosexual conduct and/or relationships. Unless and until you do, you have my pledge that I will refrain from doing business with your company.

Many Americans who signed the petition to boycott Hallmark over its pro-homosexual cards added their own comments to the statement above. Here is a sampling of comments from each state:

    • Ginger in Hueytown, Alabama writes, “I have always loved Hallmark products…I will never again.”


    • Mike in Kodiak, Alaska writes, “I will make sure that the cards I buy from now on will not have your seal. Please, reconsider. Don’t contribute to the debasing of our society.”


    • Scott in Gilbert, Arizona writes, “Not only do I promise not to purchase any of your products, but I also promise to encourage all my friends not to purchase any of your products until such time as Hallmark removes all materials in support of homosexuality from the market.”


    • Carley in Hope, Arkansas writes, “You will be losing a very regular shopper if these are continued to be sold.”


    • Guy in Kelseyville, California writes, “Please stop supporting this cause.”


    • Diann in Fort Collins, Colorado writes, “It is a sad day in the history of America and Hallmark.”


    • Normand in Naugatuck, Connecticut writes, “Disappointed to see Hallmark has joined the Gay Marriage crowd.”


    • Carol in Wilmington, Delaware writes, “You are putting the final nails in your own coffins. You are very foolish.”


    • Pat in St. Augustine, Florida writes, “My family and I are not religious but we do not agree with homosexual marriage nor is it legal.”


    • Michael in Sandy Springs, Georgia writes, “I can’t believe that Hallmark would turn away from their family friendly policies to promote the homosexual lifestyle. Please stop supporting this lifestyle as being OK.”


    • Julita in Pearl City, Hawaii writes, “Little boys and girls need the loving daily influence of both male and female parents to become who they are meant to be.”


    • Teresa in Rathdrum, Idaho writes, “The homosexual community needs help and counseling, not encouragement to continue in a lifestyle that will kill them.”


    • Joy in Bourbonnais, Illinois writes, “I will not buy your products until you change your pro-homosexual stance.”


    • Shawn in Griffith, Indiana writes, “I am a Gold Crown Club member. I will not buy any more cards until these are removed.”


    • Larry in Waterloo, Iowa writes, “I returned three cards to the rack last night at Wal-Mart and got cards of another brand at another store. I have bought hundreds of your cards, but no more until [changing policy] as requested.”


    • Shirley in Wichita, Kansas writes, “How sad and disgusting to know a company as big as yours is condoning this ungodly act. I won’t send your cards anymore.”


    • Vicky in London, Kentucky writes, “We must uphold marriage as the union of one man and one woman. It is crucial for the stability of our children in this nation. It is God’s way according to the Bible.”


    • Susan in Lafayette, Louisiana writes, “Gay marriage is the wrong way; it causes more pain than it solves. STOP offering institutional encouragement for a dreadful mistake.”


    • David in Jackson, Maine writes, “Will you stop at nothing to make a buck?”


    • Paul in Sykesville, Maryland writes, “Stop trying to make a buck off of the moral decay of our society.”


    • Crystal in Windsor, Massachusetts writes, “I will refrain from doing business with your company.”


    • Jim and Donna in Battle Creek, Michigan writes, “2% of the population is “gay.” Are you sure that many customers will sustain your business?”


    • Barry in Eagan, Minnesota writes, “Our whole family loves going to Hallmark — no more! This is nonsense and PC gone awry. Where’s the common sense and knowledge of right and wrong?”


    • Lisa in South Haven, Mississippi writes, “Please withdraw your support for these kinds of relationships!”


    • Joan in St. Louis, Missouri writes, “I think your wonderful founder would be horribly disappointed with what you are doing.”


    • Denise in St. Marie, Montana writes, “I certainly will make sure I do not buy Hallmark cards and products…and will pass the word around”

    • Anthony in Manorville, Nebraska writes, “I will be praying for this company.”


    • Yvette in Reno, Nevada writes, “Just tore up my Hallmark gold card. Won’t be needing that anymore.”


    • Sue in New Market, New Hampshire writes, “I will never enter your store again. Your policies offend me.”


    • Dan in Cape May, New Jersey writes, “Don’t contribute to the decline of the culture.”


    • Patrick in Albuquerque, New Mexico writes, “Change your ways or count me out from buying your products.”


    • Jon in Plattsburgh, New York writes, “I will stop completely making any further purchases with any production of such cards.”


    • Virginia in Belmont, North Carolina writes, “I have stopped buying Hallmark cards and encouraged all of my friends and family to do so. May God help you to come to your senses.”


    • David in Grand Forks, North Dakota writes, “I have already contact Hallmark on this and received an unsatisfactory reply from them. Please remain neutral”


    • Gale in Centerville, Ohio writes, “I will no longer be buying anything from Hallmark!”


    • Gary in Midwest City, Oklahoma writes, “Hallmark is off of our Christmas shopping list this year. We love their Christmas ornaments, but no more.”


    • David in Stayton, Oregon writes, “I will not purchase Hallmark cards and I will spread the word.”


    • Garth in Mt. Joy, Pennsylvania writes, “I used to buy Hallmark cards all the time, but not anymore I won’t. Gays account for less than 2% of the population. Count the cost of ignoring 98%.”


    • Samantha in Cumberland, Rhode Island writes, “These cards are an abomination to marriage as set forth by God; please remove them from stores.”


    • Mary in Travelers Rest, South Carolina writes, “I am a platinum club member…and I am very shocked by your position on this issue.”


    • Matt in Custer, South Dakota writes, “We will not be shopping at Hallmark anymore…”


    • Eva in Dixon, Tennessee writes, “I usually buy most of my cards from your company, but I will refrain from doing so until you refuse to support homosexual marriages.”


    • Mike in Dallas, Texas writes, “I grew up in two Hallmark stores and my father did a lot of lithographing work for Hallmark. The slogan “When you care enough to send the very best” always rang true with me and I bought Hallmark without exception. But not any more.”


    • Verle in Ogden, Utah writes, “I had formerly used Hallmark because of the quality of its cards. That is no longer true.”


    • Margaret in Colchester, Vermont writes, “Sin is not a civil right and should never be advocated.”


    • Jerry in Piatt, Virginia writes, “I will no longer buy, use or recommend your products, including the Hallmark cable channel.”


    • Carol in Gig Harbor, Washington writes, “I can’t imagine what might be coming next… nor do I want to.”


    • Pamela in Princeton, West Virginia writes, “I will never buy Hallmark or any company associated with Hallmark as long as these cards are sold.”


    • Joan in Sheboygan, Wisconsin writes, “I’ll gladly boycott Hallmark.”


    • Angela in Cody, Wyoming writes, “I will refrain from doing business with your company.”



By signing Family Policy Network’s SECURE petition, your name and contact data will be compiled with many others from all over the United States who are opposed Hallmark’s pro-homosexual cards. The list will be forwarded to Hallmark Chairman Donald J. Hall along with the verses above and an admonition to stop endorsing homosexual immorality.

To sign this petition now, click here:

Thank you for your support. Let’s pray together for Hallmark to do the right thing and pull these cards from their shelves.


Family Policy Network:

FPN’s Homosexual Ministry Outreach:

FPN Leader Defends the Need for Federal Marriage Amendment on CNN:

Family Policy Network (FPN) is an independent, national, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with board members and advisers in Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia and Tennessee. The group has supporters and participants in every state in the nation.