
911 Tape Reveals Another Botched Abortion by Planned Parenthood

A newly-released 911 tape shows that Planned Parenthood has botched yet another abortion.

The abortion was performed on a 28 year-old patient at a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Virginia Beach, Virginia back in October of 2011. Evidently, the abortionist botched his murder of the child and the woman began to suffer heavy bleeding, causing a clinic employee to call 911.

See the 911 dispatch recording below to hear the disturbing call. The tape, which was obtained by a pro-life activist through a Freedom of Information Act request, has been heavily edited by Virginia Beach officials.

Planned Parenthood has had a corrupt and murderous history ever since its founding by infamous racist and eugenicist Margaret Sanger. Despite its mercenary business model of “legally” murdering humans for a price, American taxpayers (including pro-lifers) have been forced to contribute hundreds of millions of dollars to the vile and bloodthirsty organization.

It is becoming clear to many previously unengaged Americans that Planned Parenthood is murdering untold millions of children and endangering women, all in the name of profit.

Psalm 82:3-4

Defend the poor and fatherless; Do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy; Free them from the hand of the wicked. (NKJV)