
Ron Shank

FPN Marketing Director – Email Ron Shank

Ron Shank began his career as a radio broadcaster and production talent in Mississippi and Arkansas. Shortly after becoming a Christian, he began working for American Family Radio and the American Family Association (AFA). While there, Shank’s computer expertise and knowledge of the Internet led to his transition to webmaster for AFA and the eventual move to provide design and technical support for American Family Online and AFA Filter.

In 2001, Shank started an Internet development and consulting company boasting clients in all 50 states and internationally from Hawaii to Ireland. His company has helped countless ministries and non-profit organizations to promote activities and build support. His work for Family Policy Network started in 1997 when he began providing the group with website hosting and design assistance. His involvement has grown over the years to include government relations work, grassroots development assistance and media campaign development.

Shank is a veteran of the Air Force, an active Rotarian and a certified lay speaker in the Tennessee Conference of the United Methodist Church. He lives in Tennessee with his wife and their three children.

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