
7/6/11: NJ City Tells Man to Remove Cross from His Yard

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In New Jersey, city officials have told a resident he cannot display a Christian cross on his yard.

Patrick Racaniello of Livingston, New Jersey wanted to celebrate Lent by placing a small wooden cross on a tree in his front yard. When this angered one of his neighbors, who began screaming at him and his family from across the street, Racaniello called the police. However, the police told him to take down the cross because it was within 8 feet from the curb. Racaniello then built a 6-by-4 foot cross and placed it within 9 feet of the curb. Again, he was told it must be taken down. The township requires a 10-foot-right-of-way into his yard.

The Alliance Defense Fund sent a letter to city officials urging them to stop using ordinance laws to prohibit Racaniello from displaying the Christian cross in his yard.