
ALERT: Carnegie Mellon Students Watch XXX Films in Campus Auditorium on Sundays

FPN NOTE: Pittsburgh television station KDKA is reporting that thousands of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) students are watching hard-core pornography in the campus auditorium on Sunday nights. Please use the action item at the end of this alert to express your opinion to CMU President Jared Cohon.

Here are a few excerpts from the KDKA story:

– Sunday night at the movies has taken a curious twist on the campus of Carnegie Mellon University. More than 1,000 students at a time are showing up at a campus auditorium to see movies with ratings as high as XXX and it’s all paid for with student money. Posters are hung all over campus, inviting students to see a XXX movie, funded with student activity money.

Some students say they don’t want their activity money spent on porn.
Carnegie Mellon University told [KDKA television reporter Marty] Griffin that it has no control over how student activity fees are spent. It collects the money and redistributes it to student organizations. The university did say in a statement that “while this activity is not consistent with our values as a university community, it is not prohibited by university policy. The university did not condone or financially support this activity.”

CMU does admit that every student who enters the school must pay an activity fee as a requirement to attend the university.
The university is taking a serious look at whether it can allow any student organization to show XXX-rated movies on university property using student activity fee money.

[end of KDKA story excerpts]


Watch this ENTIRE news story from KDKA-TV here:[email protected]

If your PC will not play this news story, read it here:


Tell the President of CMU what you think about hardcore pornography being shown to thousands of students in the school’s campus auditorium.

Write to CMU President Jared Cohon here:
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Write a letter to the editor of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

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