
Alexander Mason, M.A.

FPN Policy Analyst – Email Alex Mason

As a policy analyst for Family Policy Network, Alex Mason has conducted extensive research on a variety of high-profile issues in public policy, drafting timely position papers and defending the core tenets of Christian morality before media outlets across the country.

Mason’s policy paper exposing the abortifacient nature of the so-called “Morning-After pill” has been widely distributed by a variety of pro-life organizations, including Pharmacists for Life International and Liberty Counsel. His point-by-point analysis of proposals to add “sexual orientation” to so-called “hate crimes” laws provides several cogent arguments against defining legal protections based on immoral behavior. His comments on gay “marriage,” “hate crimes” legislation, and homosexual activism in public schools have appeared in the American Family Association Journal and AgapePress, and have been heard on various secular and Christian radio stations throughout the nation.

Mason has worked in a variety of government, political, and non-profit settings. In one of his earliest political endeavors, he hosted a talk radio program called “Alex Mason Live” in college. The weekly, two-hour program featured a number of elected officials and community leaders as guests, routinely covering some of the more controversial political issues of the day. While working in radio, he began to work for Family Policy Network – – first as a volunteer, then as a full-time intern, and ultimately as a part of the organization’s paid staff in Central Virginia.

Alex is a graduate with honors from the Helms School of Government at Liberty University, where he earned the first Ronald S. Godwin Award for Political Activism. He earned a master’s degree in Christian Ethics from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina. He is currently pursuing a Master of Divinity degree from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.

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