
Tweets in May 2010

  1. Some congressmen are fighting the forced inclusion of open homosexuals in military: #tcot #dadt#homosexualityMon May 31 2010 15:59:46 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  2. FPN’s Hope for Homosexuals Project exposes the sin of homosexuality AND the hope found in Christ with repentance: #tcotSun May 30 2010 11:27:59 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  3. Obama uses his office to celebrate sexual immorality with Presidential proclamation: #tcot #ministry#christian #familySun May 30 2010 08:55:02 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  4. Our government seeking to enable the placement of young children with #homosexual “parents”: #tcot #adoption#profamilySat May 29 2010 13:29:43 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  5. Another botched #abortion by Planned Parenthood. PP is a terror to the unborn AND women: #tcot #prolife#allaboutmoneyFri May 28 2010 11:51:39 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  6. Congress may force US military to admit open homosexuals as early as today: #tcot #profamily #dadt#homosexualityThu May 27 2010 11:27:42 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  7. #Oklahoma Legislature overrides governor’s veto of pro-life bill: #tcot #prolife #abortion #profamilyWed May 26 2010 15:46:10 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  8. #Conservative wins in #Iowa could mean rollback of #gay“marriage” and advancement of pro-life laws: #abortionTue May 25 2010 16:16:04 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  9. Now they want to protect the #homosexual illegal aliens: #tcot #homosexuality #profamily #immigrationMon May 24 2010 14:34:54 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  10. Largest abortuary in the nation opens with celebration by those who support murdering babies: #tcot #abortion#prolifeMon May 24 2010 13:10:52 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  11. “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father but by Me.” ~Jesus Christ #tcot #christian #profamily #prolife#christSun May 23 2010 14:40:02 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  12. #Louisiana legislature soundly defeats #homosexual #adoption bill: #la #tcot #profamily #family #lagovSat May 22 2010 10:00:14 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  13. Never-ending onslaught: New bill introduced to protect elementary students’ “gender identity”: #tcot #snda#transgenderFri May 21 2010 11:00:47 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  14. Out-of-state homosexuals flooding #Iowa for homosexual “marriages”: #homosexuality #tcot #marriage#familyThu May 20 2010 11:57:58 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  15. WV Gov. signs bill requiring an offer for an ultrasound to women before abortion. View the bill here: #prolife #tcotWed May 19 2010 15:19:45 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  16. Chaplains lobby Obama to keep ban on homosexuals in military: #tcot #homosexuality #family #marriage #enda#militaryTue May 18 2010 14:15:37 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  17. Younger Americans more pro-life than any time since Roe v. Wade: #abortion #family #tcotTue May 18 2010 14:12:37 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  18. 1160 retired admirals to Obama: KEEP ban on homosexuals: #tcot #homosexuality #family#dadt #militaryTue May 18 2010 13:45:12 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  19. SCOTUS nominee calls military ban on gays a “moral outrage” of the “first order”: #tcot #homosexuality #family#marriageTue May 18 2010 09:30:11 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  20. Go here to read FPN’s policy paper on why protecting sexual deviancy is a bad idea: #family #tcot#homosexuality #familyMon May 17 2010 12:34:15 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  21. House libs seeking protections for sexual confusion/deviancy in federal law: #tcot #homosexuality #transgender#familyMon May 17 2010 12:26:28 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  22. FL Gov. Crist may veto pro-life bill requiring ultrasounds before abortions b/c they’re “mean-spirited.” #tcot#prolifeMon May 17 2010 09:45:05 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  23. Catholic schools pushed to prohibit discrimination based on ‘sexual orientation’: #tcot #family #Christianity #churchSun May 16 2010 08:45:03 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  24. Planned Parenthood founder M. Sanger was an evil eugenicist who advocated aborting those she deemed less desirable. #abortion#tcot #familySat May 15 2010 15:18:38 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  25. Planned Parenthood funded #abortion research group admits abortions are increasing among poor women: #tcotSat May 15 2010 15:14:37 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  26. Bills legitimizing homosexual acts are advancing in Congress: #tcot #homosexuality #familySat May 15 2010 10:45:03 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  27. Calling homosexuality a sin is criminal [WORLDmag]: #tcot #homosexuality #family #marriage#christianFri May 14 2010 09:15:16 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  28. Laura Bush opposed Biblical marriage & right-to-life within White House: #tcot #homosexuality #family #prolife#marriageThu May 13 2010 17:05:14 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  29. Homosexuals seek to force “gay marriage” on MN through court system like they did in IA and MA: #tcot#homosexualityWed May 12 2010 18:10:35 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  30. If confirmed, SCOTUS nominee Elena Kagan may help legitimize homosexual “marriage” in America: #tcot#marriageTue May 11 2010 10:46:52 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  31. Missouri House votes to prevent pharmacists from being forced to dispense abortifacient morning after pill: #life#tcotMon May 10 2010 17:31:32 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  32. Will Hawaii’s governor veto homosexual “civil unions” bill? #homosexuality #marriage #tcotSun May 09 2010 20:28:31 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  33. Taxing #abortion is a bad idea. Anytime a government begins to depend on a source of revenue, it has less motivation to restrict it.Sat May 08 2010 12:25:26 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  34. Bad idea — Kansas lawmaker proposes sales tax on abortions: #abortion #taxes #tcotSat May 08 2010 12:23:01 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  35. Opposition to homosexual behavior should not be based merely in reason or science, but primarily from Scripture — 1 Corinthians 6:9-11Fri May 07 2010 21:55:53 (Eastern Daylight Time) via HootSuite
  36. Former supporter of homosexual “marriage” in MA now regrets his grave error: #tcot #homosexuality#Massachusetts9:51 PM May 7th via HootSuite
  37. PA county bans book depicting teengage homosexuality: #obscenity #homosexuality #tcot5:29 PM May 6th via web
  38. ICANN trying to create “.XXX” domain again, but what we REALLY need is a WAR on porn! #tcot #decency #family#christian4:38 PM May 6th via HootSuite
  39. “Married” homosexuals in MA are suing to strike down federal Defense of Marriage Act: #tcot #homosexuality#marriage6:51 PM May 4th via HootSuite
  40. Pro-life law defeated in Kansas after close vote to override governor’s veto: #prolife #tcot #abortion6:46 PM May 2nd via HootSuite
  41. Hawaii Legislature approves marriage-lite “civil unions” for homosexuals: #homosexuality #hawaii #tcot5:43 PM May 1st via HootSuite