
Act Now to Oppose Universal Abortion Coverage in Health Care Reform Posted on July 20, 2009 by Family Policy Network

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Barack Obama and his pro-abortion allies may soon crush the pro-life movement and roll back every pro-life advancement made since Roe vs. Wade.

Planned Parenthood’s dream of universal, taxpayer-funded abortions is on the verge of becoming reality – – unless your congressman and senators hear from you immediately. Pro-abortion forces have succeeded in getting Democrats to propose that ALL abortions will be covered in the health care “reform” bill currently speeding through Congress.

Pro-life legislators are pushing for answers about the plan to mandate universal, taxpayer-funded abortion, but Democrats seem to be keeping quiet about the abortion freight train until it is too late to stop it. When Obama’s budget chief was asked about the issue on July 19th, he refused to deny it by saying he was “not prepared to rule it out.” Instead, he would only say, “It’s obviously a controversial issue, and it’s one of the questions that is playing out in this debate.”

Read what Republican House Leader John Boehner wrote about the Democrats’ current House proposal in the National Review Online:

“The bill as currently written will allow the federal government to classify abortion as an ‘essential benefit’ “” a health-care right that would be guaranteed to all Americans. This will make it illegal for health-care providers nationwide “” even Catholic and religious-based hospitals with missions that reflect a fundamental moral objection to the killing of the unborn “” to provide anything less than abortion on demand for anyone who seeks it. As a result, the bill will repeal laws in many states that currently require commonsense limitations on abortion-on-demand, such as mandatory parental notification and waiting periods.”

Boehner and a small group of pro-life congressmen are fighting universal abortion coverage in the so-called “health care reform” bill, but they need your help to stop their peers from supporting its passage.

The lives of millions of unborn children depend on this moment in our nation’s history. Now “” with liberal Democrats running the White House and both houses of Congress “” the unborn need our help more than ever. Please use Family Policy Network’s ONLINE PETITION to OPPOSE abortion funding and mandates now. [CLICK HERE to sign] And, if possible, please CLICK HERE to make an immediate, tax-deductible online gift to FPN to help us spread the word.




CLICK HERE to Rally Congress NOW with your petition to stop universal, taxpayer-funded abortion on demand. Then rally your pro-life friends to join this critical fight before it’s too late.

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