
6/16/11: Trying to Mask the Pain

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In a disturbing online video a woman claims to be having an abortion “right now.” She explains that she has just taken the RU-486 abortion pill, and that the pill is working in her body while she is recording the video.

She goes to great lengths to avoid referring to the “baby” or even the “fetus” and strives to convey her peace with the “decision,” but spends much of the video repeating self-comforting phrases like “It’s not that bad.” Her strained composure poorly masks her inner torment.

Perhaps your first reaction to the video will be anger. And while that’s an appropriate response to the murder of a child — remember Christ’s command to pray for this woman and others like her. Remember also that our prayers should be informed by intense awareness of our own sin.

You can see the video on FPN’s website.