
6/6/11: Pro-Life Groups Call for Boycott of Pepsi

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You’ve heard the argument for using fetal cells to cure all sorts of life threatening diseases and helping the disabled walk. Here’s one use you probably haven’t heard about. Pepsi is using the fetal cells from aborted babies in its research to come up with a tastier soft drink.

Last week, dozens of pro-life groups called for a boycott of Pepsi because of information that came to light in March showing Pepsi’s biotech company is testing food additives using fetal cells from abortions.

The groups got an email response from “Pepsi Consumer Relations” thanking them for the letter and assuring the concerned pro-life groups that they are committed to “only the highest ethical methods in all aspects of our research.” The Pro-life groups calling for the boycott say Pepsi is not taking its concerns seriously.