
Tweets in March 2011 On March 31, 2011, in National, by simonne

  • Percentage of teenage girls on chemical birth control has been rising since 2002: #tcot #abortion #birthcontrol 31 Mar
  • ACLU wants students to have access to pro-homosexual websites at school: #tcot #aclu 29 Mar
  • US Senator at Pro-Abortion Rally: Pro-Lifers “Don’t Deserve Freedoms in the Constitution” #tcot #abortion #prolife 28 Mar
  • Waves of Pro-Life Bills Moving Through State Legislatures: #tcot #prolife 24 Mar
  • Bad Apple: Computer giant bows to pro-homosexual pressure to remove ex-gay app from iTunes store #tcot #apple #exgay 23 Mar
  • FPN Policy Blog: So-Called “Evangelical” Young People More Accepting of Homosexuality #tcot #homosexuality #christianity 22 Mar
  • Thanks for helping FPN reach 1000 Twitter followers! Please share us with your friends! 21 Mar
  • “…But its leaf will be green, and will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will cease from yielding fruit.” – Jer. 17:8b 21 Mar
  • For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes… -Jer. 17:8 21 Mar
  • “Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, and whose hope is the LORD.” -Jeremiah 17:7 21 Mar
  • FPN Policy Blog — So-called “Gender Neutral” University Housing Will Only Bring More Trouble #tcot 19 Mar
  • FPN Policy Blog — “Gay Christian” Is a Loaded Term: #tcot #homosexuality #gay #christian 18 Mar
  • MSNBC publishes another puff piece to legitimize homosexual “families” #tcot #homosexuality #gay #msnbc 17 Mar
  • @gementerprise You’ll never change the meaning of Scripture. Use faulty logic all you want, but homosexuality is still sin. a16 Mar
  • Govt was created after mankind’s Fall and will not be needed once God sets things right in Christ. He will rule perfectly and eternally. 15 Mar
  • Human government exists as a temporary stopgap measure to uphold order. 15 Mar
  • Governments don’t exist to “save” people. Governments are merely God’s agent to restrain evil and promote good (Romans 13). 15 Mar
  • Big 2012 election theme: America is in “decline.” // But in reality, no political party can “save” America. Only Christ. 15 Mar
  • @GemEnterprise Check out this article for why Scripture will never justify homosexuality: 15 Mar
  • @gementerprise The argument that “eunuch” is synonymous with “gay” is not new and it is not seen as remotely credible by actual scholars. 15 Mar
  • FPN: New Gov’t Website Encourages Taking Pride in Sin #tcot #obama #lgbt #homosexuality // MUST READ! 14 Mar
  • @juliewashere88 Pro-life women aren’t suffering. But countless millions of unborn women have suffered as a result of Roe v. Wade. 14 Mar
  • @bloomdido You’re wrong. God absolutely cares about the plight of the “least of these.” 14 Mar
  • @juliewashere88 You totally missed the point. 14 Mar
  • @littlebytesnews Amen! Not to mention the countless millions of unborn children killed by chemical contraceptives! 14 Mar
  • @gementerprise Jesus DID NOT say people are born gay. To ascribe such words to Him is blasphemy. 14 Mar
  • It’s quite telling that homosexual “marriage” still failed in an Democrat-dominated state like #Maryland. #tcot #homosexuality 14 Mar
  • TX considers bill that would ban almost all abortions: #tcot #abortion 14 Mar
  • Lord, let every word and each desire be Yours. 13 Mar
  • Study suggests parental divorce in early childhood can cause early death in adulthood: Parents: Stick together! #tcot 12 Mar
  • Pray that God will end abortion in America and the world. But don’t just pray, do something! #abortion #tcot #prolife 10 Mar
  • Planned Parenthood has reached a milestone of 5 million surgical abortions. It’s a disgusting indictment against American apathy. #tcot 10 Mar
  • God be merciful to us and bless us…that Your way may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. -Psalm 67 10 Mar
  • “…He is slow to anger, and of great kindness; and He relents from doing harm.” -Joel 2:13b 9 Mar
  • “…So rend your heart, and not your garments; return to the LORD your God, for He is gracious and merciful…” -Joel 2:13a 9 Mar
  • “Now, therefore,” says the LORD, “Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning…” -Joel 2:12 9 Mar
  • It’s sad that on #internationalwomensday, there is hardly any mention of the millions of women killed each year by abortion. #tcot[Repost] 8 Mar
  • @littlebytesnews Thanks for the retweet, Patty! We appreciate all your pro-life work! 8 Mar
  • @JesussPrincesss Thanks for the retweet, Carolyn! It’s always great to interact with other Christians! 8 Mar
  • @DORItheGIANT Thanks for retweeting, Dorota! We enjoy interacting with other pro-lifers! 8 Mar
  • @xalisae Thanks for the retweet! We appreciate your help in getting the pro-life message out on Twitter! 8 Mar
  • The sad irony is that most feminists advocate the continued massacre of their own gender. #abortion #internationalwomensday #tcot 8 Mar
  • It’s sad that on #internationalwomensday, there is hardly any mention of the millions of women killed each year by abortion. #tcot #prolife 8 Mar
  • If you live in a state with a constitutional marriage amendment, have you ever read it? What do you think of it? 8 Mar
  • Maryland pro-family activists may seek to put marriage vote on the ballot in 2012: #homosexuality #tcot #marriage 8 Mar
  • Homosexual legislators lead charge against Biblical marriage in the states: #tcot #marriage #homosexuality 7 Mar
  • Speaker of the House John Boehner releases statement on defense of DOMA: #tcot #doma #marriage 4 Mar
  • Philadelphia prosecutors will seek death penalty for abortion doctor: #tcot #abortion #prolife 3 Mar
  • Court opinion continued: “People in our society do not have a legal right to prevent criticism of their beliefs or their way of life.” #tcot 2 Mar
  • Court: “A school that permits advocacy of the rights of homosexual students cannot be allowed to stifle criticism of homosexuality.” #tcot 2 Ma
  • 7th Circuit Court rules student is allowed to wear t-shirt critical of homosexuality: #tcot #homosexuality 2 Mar
  • God’s mercies are new every morning. 2 Mar
  • Reports claiming half of men have HPV are MISLEADING. Summary shows infections linked to heavy promiscuity. #tcot #family 1 Mar
  • Who’s winning the fight for American hearts and minds on abortion? Judging by those figures, the answer seems obvious. 1 Mar
  • Washington, D.C. Walk for Choice turnout: 500 1 Mar
  • Washington, D.C. March for Life turnout: 400,000+ 1 Mar