
Twitter April 2011 On April 30, 2011, in National, by simonne

Morning-after pill usage doubles; read FPN’s policy paper on the abortion-inducing pill #tcot #abortion 30 Apr


FPN interviewed by American Family Radio regarding Proposition 8 developments: #tcot #prop8 #homosexuality #california 29 Apr

Famous people who use their influence to promote sin are leading America’s youth into damnation. They are modern-day pied pipers. 28 Apr

Not much of a choice, is it? Lady Gaga is a tool of Satan being used to legitimize and promote homosexuality to confused young people. 28 Apr

Pop singer Lady Gaga letting fans vote which charity will receive $1 mil from her. The catch: All 5 choices promote homosexuality to youth. 28 Apr

Will “social issues truce” Gov. Mitch Daniels sign a bill stripping Planned Parenthood of funding? According to him, he’s undecided. 28 Apr

Military still indoctrinating soldiers w/pro-gay propaganda: / See FPN’s treatment of the issue: #tcot 28 Apr

Effort to reverse California Proposition 8 ruling by homosexual judge: #tcot #homosexuality #prop8 27 Apr

FPN Policy Blog: Homosexual Students Battling to Legitimize Sin at Christian Colleges #tcot #homosexuality 26 Apr

True libertarianism is an inherently selfish political ideology in many respects: #tcot #tlot #prolife 25 Apr

Did you catch yesterday’s FPN Policy Blog post on Good Friday and Earth Day? Read more here: #tcot 23 Apr

New FPN Policy Blog Post — Earth Day and Good Friday 2011: Worship the Creator, Not Creation #tcot #earthday#goodfriday 22 Apr

It’s not just a little ironic that Earth Day falls on Good Friday this year. Choose this day whom you will serve. #goodfriday #earthday 22 Apr

Homosexual students at Christian colleges seeking to force acceptance of sin: // Policy Blog post coming soon! 21 Apr

New posts today on our website regarding the importance of Gospel-centered opposition to homosexuality: 21 Apr

Pro-life mother sacrifices her life to cancer for the sake of her unborn child: #prolife #abortion #cancer 21 Apr

90% of Down Syndrome children aborted: #abortion #prolife 20 Apr

Supposedly “pro-life” billionaire Donald Trump botches abortion question: #tcot #prolife #abortion #prochoice 19 Apr

N.C. lawmakers take up Planned Parenthood fight #tcot #abortion #prolife 18 Apr

Planned Parenthood Funds Politicians Who Fund Planned Parenthood (With Your Money): #tcot #abortion 18 Apr


FLASHBACK: Priority of Saving Gulf Sea Turtles a Sign of Cultural Decadence #tcot #abortion #prolife 16 Apr

Delaware legislature approves homosexual “civil unions” bill; governor expected to sign: #tcot #marriage #homosexuality 15 Apr

More states restrict abortions; pro-abortion group says trend ‘unparalleled’: #tcot #prolife #abortion #prochoice 14 Apr

The Pro-Abortion Party: In the budget deal, liberals make clear their No. 1 priority #tcot #abortion #prolife #prochoice 13 Apr

UN document would give ‘Mother Earth’ same rights as humans: #tcot 12 Apr

Anything else is reminiscent of the “free states” and “slave states” that made up the Union before the Civil War. Doesn’t ever work. 11 Apr

Either abortion is murder, or it isn’t. If it is murder, it must be outlawed everywhere, not just where the people want it outlawed. 11 Apr

It’s not truly pro-life to believe that California should be allowed to legalize abortion while Mississippi outlaws it. Ron Paul does. 11 Apr

Ron Paul recently reiterated his pro-life beliefs. Sadly, he still thinks each state should be able to decide the issue. 11 Apr

Supposedly “pro-life” Senator Pat Toomey suggests Republicans move on from defunding Planned Parenthood: #tcot #abortion 9 Apr

California homosexual activists want to force schools to teach about homosexual “contributions” in history: #tcot #ca 5 Apr

Virginia regulations would require adoption to homosexuals #tcot #homosexuality #profamily 4 Apr

Colorado Republicans narrowly prevent homosexual “civil unions” bill from reaching vote: #tcot #homosexuality 2 Apr

Google censors video of homosexual activists attacking pro-family marriage supporters: #tcot #homosexuality 1 Apr