
Ohio Abortionists Now Required to Offer Ultrasound to Women Seeking Abortions

The following are excerpts from an March 21, 2008 article appearing on

“Gov signs ultrasound-fetus bill” – March 21, 2008

Medical clinics must offer to show pregnant women ultrasound images of their fetuses before carrying out abortions, under legislation signed Friday by Gov. Ted Strickland. Physicians risk losing their license to practice medicine in Ohio if they fail to comply with the law, which takes effect in 90 days.

A similar bill is proposed in the Kentucky General Assembly. But unlike Ohio’s new law ““ in which a physician can have his license suspended or revoked for not complying ““ a Northern Kentucky lawmaker proposes fines of up to $100,000 for the first offense.

Ohio’s law won’t require women to view ultrasound images, or fine physicians who don’t comply, as is the case in some states.

< end of excerpts from article >

Read the entire news article here: