
Pro-Homosexual “Anti-Bullying” School Bill Dead in NC Senate

The following are excerpts from an July 18, 2008 article appearing on

“Bullying bill dies over gay controversy” – August 5, 2008

Legislation designed to combat bullying in schools is dead, according to a state senator who worked on the proposal.

The Senate had the bill, which would have listed gay students as potential harassment targets, on its list of issues to vote on Thursday. But the measure was sent back to committee, where it is likely to stay as the legislature works to finish this year’s session.

The bill was controversial because it listed “sexual orientation” and other characteristics as reasons schoolchildren might be the targets of bullying. The bill would have required bullying to be reported and school boards to set anti-bullying policies.

< end of excerpts from article >

Read the entire news article here: