
Angry Homosexual Activists Try to Silence Christian Group’s Message at VA County Fair

Excerpts from “Gay Activists Assault Ex-Gay, Trash Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays Booth at Fair”
By Peter J. Smith, – August 28, 2007

Angry homosexual activists harassed and assaulted ex-homosexuals at the Arlington County Fair during the week of August 19, 2007, according to an ex-gay educational and support group.

Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (PFOX) reports its volunteers were distributing education materials on same-sex attraction and awareness of ex-homosexuals at their fair booth. Homosexual activists approached them and created a disturbance, spewing obscenities and dashing materials from the exhibit table.

The confrontation escalated after one activist struck a PFOX ex-gay volunteer after becoming infuriated over the man’s testimony about leaving the homosexual lifestyle. A police officer then ejected the activist from the fairgrounds, although the ex-homosexual volunteer declined to press charges citing the example of Jesus Christ.

The incident, while not uncommon in PFOX experience, continues to highlight homosexual activists’ rejection of tolerance and equal access ideas opposing and competing with the homosexual agenda.

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Read the entire news article here: