More Evidence of the Morning After Pill’s Societal Destruction
A recent study serves to further confirm long-held suspicions about the effect of birth control on promiscuity and sexually-transmitted diseases. It’s not quite the societal panacea it’s made out to be by many. The study, which was conducted in the UK, studied the impact greater government promotion of “emergency birth control” has on conception rates and increases in STIs.
Offering the morning after pill free over the counter has not reduced the number of teenage pregnancies and may be associated with a rise in sexually-transmitted diseases (STIs), according to a report by experts at The University of Nottingham.
The ‘freedom from consequences’ the morning after pill (MAP) allows is a dangerous ‘freedom.’ Although the MAP does provide an ‘easy’ abortion for many women, it in no way prevents the user from contracting sexually transmitted diseases. The perceived lack of consequences will contribute to an even higher STD rate.
It seems as though abortion activists would like nothing more than to promote the MAP as a ‘contraceptive.’ Their success in convincing people that a pregnancy begins at implantation instead of conception leads to the removal of moral responsibility from women who, if they were aware of the MAP being an abortifacient, would refrain from using it.
The MAP does nothing to alleviate the root problem of promiscuity. Rather, by offering a so-called “easy” option to shirk the consequences of non-marital sex, this self-serve abortifacient only encourages people to become more sexually active with more partners. The rise in the acceptance of casual sex is evidenced by the name of the pill. “Morning-after” implies that aborting a baby is no big deal, like brushing one’s teeth or taking a shower. The MAP just adds one more item to the “morning-after” to-do list. With a misnomer like “emergency contraceptive pill,” its name draws attention away from parental responsibility, abstinence, and self-control; the only “emergency” that the MAP is named for is the ‘hassle’ of having a baby.
Read FPN’s policy paper on the Morning After Pill
Morning After Pill Linked to Increase in Sexually Transmitted Infections
“Their findings show that, on average, areas operating a pharmacy emergency birth control (EBC) scheme saw an overall increase of five percent in the rate of STIs among teenagers — 12 per cent in the under-16s age group. The study also found that EBC schemes may actually be associated with a small increase in the number of teens falling pregnant.
Increased access to EBC has been a key part of the Government’s Teenage Pregnancy Strategy which was introduced in 1999 and aimed to halve teenage pregnancy rates by 2010.”
1 Corinthians 6:8-10
No, you yourselves do wrong and cheat, and you do these things to your brethren! Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. (NKJV)