
Copyrighted material listed on this page is for educational purposes only according to Title 17, U.S.C. NYU LIVEWIRE: Policy Analyst Says Morning After Pill Will Increase Promiscuity

Morning After Pill Meets Its Loudest Objections from FPN

By Zorik Pesochinsky, NYU LIVEWIRE Contributor
October 16, 2006

With morning-after pill Plan B soon to be sold without a prescription, a debate is raging over whether young single people will grow more careless about having unprotected sex – or whether they’ll just have lots more casual sex, period.

Plan B, produced by Barr Pharmaceuticals subsidiary Duramed, prevents pregnancy if taken within 72 hours of intercourse. It’s already available via prescription, but in August the FDA-after several years of resistance and much arm-twisting by U.S. Senate Democrats-approved it for nonprescription sales to people over 18. It is to start appearing in drugstores in early 2007.

Some of the loudest objections have come from the Christian right.

“By offering a so-called ‘easy’ option to shirk consequences of non-marital sex, this [self-serve abortifacient] only encourages people to become more sexually active with more partners,” wrote policy analyst Alexander Mason in a study for the Washington-based Family Policy Network (, a Christian think tank that strongly opposes non-prescription availability of the pill.

< end of article excerpt >

Read the rest of this NYU LIVEWIRE article here:


Click here to read Family Policy Network’s policy paper on the Morning-after Abortion Pill and learn three reasons why its use should be opposed.


To see more information regarding the Morning After Pill, click here to visit

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