
Judge Suggests School Remove Commandments that Mention God

A federal judge in Virginia has proposed that two parties involved in a dispute over the display of the Ten Commandments at a public high school consider modifying the display by removing the four Commandments that mention God. U.S. District Judge Michael Urbanski said “If indeed this issue is not about God, why wouldn’t it make sense for Giles County to say, ‘Let’s go back and just post the bottom six [commandments]?’”

The American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia sued the Giles County School Board on behalf of a student over a Ten Commandments display at Narrows High School, arguing that it violated the First Amendment’s protection against endorsement of religion. The school board said the Commandments were part of a larger display of historical documents and therefore not religious.

The Commandments were already removed once from the school, but the school board voted last summer to reinstall them after pressure from the community.

Proverbs 14:34
Righteousness exalts a nation,
But sin is a reproach to any people.