
Tweets in July 2009

  1. Barbara Boxer is still fighting for ‘hate crimes’ language – – Sign FPN’s petition AGAINST it: #tcot #family#conservative8:50 PM Jul 31st, 2009 via web
  2. Tennessee ‘Blue Dog’ flip-flops, casts deciding vote AGAINST abortion ban in Obamacare #tcot #prolife#abortion #tennessee7:32 PM Jul 31st, 2009 via web
  3. Pro-Life amendment to Obamacare DEFEATED in House Energy and Commerce Committee5:14 PM Jul 31st, 2009 via web
  4. Pro-Life amendment to Obamacare being voted on NOW in House committee…4:23 PM Jul 31st, 2009 via web
  5. Nancy Pelosi infers abortion coverage could “torpedo” the health care “reform” bill PM Jul 30th, 2009 via web
  6. Sen. Alexander (R-TN) thinks pro-abortion Sotomayor has (among other things) good “character” PM Jul 30th, 2009 via web
  7. Former GOP Rep. Tom Davis and MSNBC’s Chris Matthews disparage conservative Republicans AM Jul 30th, 2009 via web
  8. ALERT: Blue Dog Dems strike deal – Healthcare ‘reform’ (w/abortion coverage) may pass House soon… PM Jul 29th, 2009 via web
  9. Sadly, another moral failure in the GOP: PM Jul 29th, 2009 via web
  10. Citizens in all 50 states sign FPN’s petition vs. abortion in Obamacare. Will you? PM Jul 29th, 2009 via web
  11. URGENT: Oppose universal, taxpayer-funded abortion in health care reform – PM Jul 29th, 2009 via web
  12. Will Judge Sotomayor Interpret Law or Make Law? – PM Jul 29th, 2009 via web
  13. Senate removes F-22 funding from defense bill. Now Obama more likely to sign “hate crimes” amendment. Learn more: PM Jul 29th, 2009 via web
  14. FPN Policy Blog: “Healthcare ‘Reform’=Taxpayer-Funded Abortion?” PM Jul 29th, 2009 via web
  15. Express your opposition to pro-homosexual ‘hate crimes’ legislation here: PM Jul 29th, 2009 via web
  16. FPN opposes ‘hate crimes’ designation for ‘sexual orientation’ – – See why: PM Jul 29th, 2009 via web