
Democrat Verbally Attacked by Other Democrats for Voting Pro-Life

Many liberal politicians will stop at nothing to further their pro-abortion agenda, even if it means they must attack members of their own party for suspected deviance from the pro-abortion philosophy. A recent incident in the Florida State Legislature illustrates this well.

From the article:

“The Ultrasound Bill came up for debate and a vote on the floor of the House Chamber on April 21. Daphne Campbell, a wife and mother of five children—who just so happens to work as a nurse—rose in passionate support for the pro-life bill that requires ultrasounds before abortions. She quoted from the book of Ezekiel and admonished members with the commandment “Thou shalt not kill.”

“The Ultrasound Bill came up for debate and a vote on the floor of the House Chamber on April 21. Campbell, a wife and mother of five children—who just so happens to work as a nurse—rose in passionate support for the pro-life bill that requires ultrasounds before abortions. She quoted from the book of Ezekiel and admonished members with the commandment “Thou shalt not kill.”

‎”Specifically, Randolph told Campbell “You are a traitor. … I swear, you will not be re-elected. I will get an opponent.”


Abortion is ugly—and politics can certainly get nasty. When the two intersect, the behavior of some politicians is, well, un-American. Daphne Campbell, a freshman Florida State House Representative from Miami, experienced an un-American attack firsthand

Read the rest of this news story here:

Psalm 139:13

13 For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.