
Bush Rejects Protection of Marriage as an Important Campaign Issue

One Last Flip-Flop

By Ann Coulter, – November 4, 2004

“It’s absurd that the (presidential) election was as close as it was….the most important issue to voters was not terrorism, but moral values. Marriage amendments won by lopsided majorities in all 11 states where they were on the ballot. Even in Oregon, the state targeted by gay marriage advocates as their best shot of defeating a marriage amendment, the amendment passed by 57 percent – a figure noticeable for being larger than the percentage of votes cast for Bush in Oregon.

…There were marriage amendments on the ballot in Michigan and Ohio. Bush won Ohio narrowly and lost Michigan by only 2 points. How different might that have been if Bush hadn’t run from the issue.

But Rove concluded Bush should stay mum on gay marriage and partial-birth abortion – contravening the politicians’ rule of thumb: Talk about your positions that are wildly popular with voters. ‘Boy Genius’ Rove decided Bush shouldn’t even run radio ads on gay marriage, and at the last minute, Bush started claiming he was in favor of civil unions, just like John Kerry.”

(End of excerpt from article)


Read the entire article here: