
Va. Locality ‘Investigates’ Christian Who Refused to Reproduce Homosexual Propaganda


    • WORLDNETDAILY.COM: Businessman Ordered to Duplicate Lesbian’s Videos

AGAPEPRESS: Virginia County Harasses Christian Businessman

UPDATE: VA County Dismisses Complaint Against Christian Businessman

[FPN, 4/25/06] – The leader of a Virginia-based pro-family organization says his group may organize a lawsuit against Arlington County, Virginia for violating the religious liberties of Christian business owners there. Family Policy Network (FPN) President Joe Glover says the potential for litigation stems from recent actions by a so-called “human rights” committee that was established by the Arlington Board of Supervisors.

The Arlington County Human Rights Commission recently held a public hearing and subsequently investigated a Christian businessman on behalf of a lesbian activist who claimed he wrongly “discriminated” against her on the basis of her “sexual orientation.” In reality, Tim Bono of Bono Film and Video in Arlington County politely refused to duplicate two pro-homosexual films for long-time lesbian activist Lillian Vincenz. Bono cited his desire to honor Biblical prohibitions against the sin of homosexual behavior. Bono Film & Video informs every potential customer that it does not duplicate material that it may deem obscene, or that may embarrass employees, tarnish its reputation, or that runs counter to the company’s Christian and ethical values. (See the policy here)

Vincenz contacted Arlington County officials to get them to force Bono’s private business to duplicate her materials, despite the fact that Bono objected on the basis of his religious convictions. Arlington Human Rights Commissioners began an investigation into Bono’s actions and held a public hearing on March 9th to discuss the alleged “discrimination”.

Vincenz, a long-time homosexual activist, acted as if she had never before encountered opposition to homosexual behavior when she was interviewed by a local reporter. She told a WUSA Channel 9 reporter, “I’ve never in my life felt that insulted.” (See the story here) That statement was clearly deceptive, since Vincenz was forced out of the military after her superiors learned she was engaging in homosexual conduct. (See 1st paragraph here)

Glover says Vincenz’s tactics are similar to others that promote a so-called “gay agenda”. In a written statement, Glover highlighted the disparity between oft-repeated “gay rights” claims and the true aims of homosexual activism. He said, “For years, homosexual activists have spread the lie that they just want to be left alone to practice their perversions in private. With the help of Arlington County, this lesbian activist proves that they’re really out to publicly use the power of the government to destroy the religious liberties of decent people.”

Various pro-homosexual websites detail several of Vincenz’s other pro-homosexual activities, with some even calling her a “gay pioneer.” According to those sites, she has been promoting homosexual behavior in society and government for over 40 years. Vincenz once told an interviewer that “gay people .. are, in general, so much more courageous, innovative, and open to new ideas than the average straight person.” (See 39th paragraph here)

Glover says, “Arlington County’s involvement in this anti-Christian, pro-homosexual witch-hunt isn’t just a crime against one businessman; it’s a heavy-handed threat to turn the government against Christians who want to live their lives according to Scripture.” He adds, “Even if they can’t win a case like this on the merits, they’re out to strike fear in the hearts of Christians who want to live according to their faith.”

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WUSA Channel 9: “Discriminated Against Because She’s Gay?”:

Lillian Vincenz Hailed as a “Gay Pioneer”:

Arlington County Human Rights Commission:

Bono Film and Video:

Family Policy Network:

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