
NEWS RELEASE: Arlington County Persecutes Christian Business Owner

F A M I L Y – P O L I C Y – N E T W O R K


Virginia Based Pro-Family Group Takes Aim at Action by Local Human Rights Comission

Christian Group Wants Legal Action vs. Arlington, VA Over Pro-Homosexual “Witch Hunt”

(FOREST, VA) – Leaders of a Virginia-based pro-family organization are publicly criticizing Arlington County, Virginia for violating the religious liberties of business owners who live according to their faith there.

Officials at Family Policy Network (FPN) are communicating with state and national media outlets about the Arlington Human Rights Comission’s “investigation” against the owner of Bono Film and Video. FPN’s intent is to stir interest in taking legal action against Arlington for what it calls a pro-homosexual “witch hunt.”

Tim Bono is the subject of scrutiny because he refused to process two amateur documentaries that cast the homosexual movement in a positive light. His business’ website states that:

There is certain ‘potential’ work out there that we will not accept. No content should embarass our employees or tarnish our reputation.

  • No pornography.
  • No sexually explicit material.
  • No content promoting violence or hate that runs counter to our Christian and ethical values.

We will not debate the merits of your material if it crosses our line.

“This isn’t just an attack on Mr. Bono’s religious faith. It’s clearly designed to intimidate all Christian business owners in Arlington to fear similar consequences if they run their own businesses according to their faith,” said Family Policy Network (FPN) president Joe Glover in a written statement.

“We’re considering a variety of legal options right now, both at the state and federal levels. We plan to do everything legally possible to expose and crush Arlington’s witchhunt against people of faith.”

As a private business owner, Bono has the prerogative to set ethical standards for his business. “When a private business owner can be smeared by a local government like this, simply because the owner wants to operate according to his or her own religious beliefs, every legal remedy available should be utilized to fight it.”


Bono Film and Video website addressing standards and core values:

Arlington County Human Rights Commission: