
Homosexuals Celebrate Perversion While the Nation Mourns

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 14, 2001
NEWS CONTACT: Joe Glover – 804-419-4483 ext. 456

RICHMOND – A Virginia-based pro-family organization is expressing outrage at the arrogance of homosexual activists who, until today, continued celebrating “gay pride” events in Richmond despite the tragic terrorist attacks that killed thousands of Americans in New York and Virginia. Family Policy Network President Joe Glover said, “The so-called ‘Pride Coalition’ demonstrated blatant disrespect for a grieving nation by continuing to celebrate their perversion in Virginia’s capital city.

On Wednesday night, just one day after the tragic terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center, celebrants of Richmond’s “Pride Week” gathered at a local restaurant to view a movie featuring homosexuality, lesbianism, sado-masochism and transsexualism. On Thursday night, the homosexual festivities were hosted by the University of Richmond, where participants watched several “gay themed” movies at the former Baptist school’s Science Center Building.

Glover condemned the activities saying, “The group’s insistence on celebrating immorality in the face of a national tragedy proves once again how homosexuals are grossly unable to understand fundamental human issues like grief and sorrow.” Glover continued, “The fact that homosexuals would celebrate their sins at a time like this shows they are ‘without natural affection,’ just as the Bible describes them in Romans 1:31.”

Finally following the example of many entertainment venues and nearly every sporting organization in the country, the leaders of Richmond’s “Pride Coalition” have decided to postpone a related outdoor party originally scheduled for this Sunday. Glover said the postponement was, “too little, too late.” A link to the postponement notice is available below.

For more information on this story, see:

“Pride Coalition” cancels Sunday event only:

FPN’s principles for opposing homosexuality:

Oxford study shows homosexuality is deadly:


Family Policy Network is Virginia’s American Family Association affiliate organization. The group has established a web site for people who wish to leave the homosexual lifestyle at