
ACT NOW – – Help Defeat Obamacare By Lobbying Against Abortion Coverage Today

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Despite recent electoral losses in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts, Planned Parenthood’s dream of universal, taxpayer-funded abortions is still alive along with Obamacare itself. That’s because the president and his pro-abortion allies are still determined to crush the pro-life movement and roll back every pro-life advancement made since Roe vs. Wade. However, the likelihood of defeating both dreaded concepts will be much greater if your congressman and senators hear a resounding message from many faithful pro-life citizens like you as soon as possible.

In December, pro-abortion forces succeeded in passing a Senate bill that would fund ALL abortions covered by Obamacare. However, the House of Representatives passed a version with an amendment preventing federal funds from being used to pay for most abortions. These conflicting stances on abortion already made reconciliation of the two proposals difficult since both Democrat-controlled houses of Congress will have to approve the final product. The 1/19/10 election of a Republican to fill the seat of late Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) makes passage of any sweeping healthcare bill even more difficult.

Before the Democrats lost Kennedy’s seat, retiring Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) said the Obama-Reid-Pelosi healthcare bill was already “hanging by a thread.” According to an opinion piece written by Peter Roff for U.S. News & World Report on 1/11/10, one reason for Obamacare’s bleak outlook is the abortion rift between the Senate and House. Roff reports the Senate version “allows funds to go to private plans that offer coverage of elective abortions and creates new national health plans that would be administered by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management that may offer similar coverage.” Meanwhile, the House version would prevent federal funding for most abortions, including most of those that could have been covered by private insurers participating in the public option.

The grave consequences of abortion coverage in healthcare “reform” cannot be overstated. Republican House Leader John Boehner warns the House version of Obamacare goes beyond merely paying for abortions, ultimately destroying freedoms and violating states’ rights. In an article he wrote for National Review Online, Boehner said Obamacare would:

“…allow the federal government to classify abortion as an ‘essential benefit’ “” a health-care right that would be guaranteed to all Americans.

This will make it illegal for health-care providers nationwide “” even Catholic and religious-based hospitals with missions that reflect a fundamental moral objection to the killing of the unborn “” to provide anything less than abortion on demand for anyone who seeks it. As a result, the bill will repeal laws in many states that currently require commonsense limitations on abortion-on-demand, such as mandatory parental notification and waiting periods.”

Boehner and a small group of pro-life congressmen are fighting universal abortion coverage in the so-called “health care reform” bills, but they need your help to stop their peers from supporting its passage.

The lives of millions of unborn children depend on this moment in our nation’s history. Now “” on the heels of stinging defeats for liberal politicians in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts “” pro-life citizens have an opportunity to deepen the divide between the House and Senate, and possibly drive the wheels of Obamacare completely off the tracks.

Please use the ONLINE PETITION from Family Policy Action Network (FPAN) to express your OPPOSITION to abortion funding in healthcare reform legislation now. And, if possible, please CLICK HERE to make an immediate, tax-deductible online gift to FPN to help us spread the word.



CLICK HERE to Rally Congress NOW with your petition to stop universal, taxpayer-funded abortion on demand. Then rally your pro-life friends to join this critical fight before it’s too late to make a difference.

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