
FPN Leader Opposes Flawed Tennessee Marriage Amendment

“Lawmakers are nearly two full years into a three-year process to amend the Tennessee State Constitution to protect marriage from redefinition by liberals and homosexual activists. Unfortunately, conservative analysts are now concerned that the effort may actually do more harm than good.

FPN State Director Ron Shank wrote to more than a thousand FPN supporters throughout Tennessee on Friday, explaining the reasons why he wants them to pray for the current marriage amendment proposals in Nashville to be withdrawn or fail. Here is the text of that letter:

Dear Friend:

I have some bad news.

The marriage amendment proposals that Tennessee’s House of Representatives will consider this Tuesday, March 15 are so problematic that FPN would prefer they be withdrawn or rejected so language that will actually accomplish something may be introduced next year.

This email contains an FPN Policy Paper outlining the reasons that that the CURRENT marriage amendment proposals are bad. Unfortunately, homosexual activists and liberal politicians have dramatically changed their tactics aimed at creating “”homosexual families”” in the last few years.

[FPN maintains any state marriage amendment must also contain a ban on civil unions and all other marriage counterfeits, too.]

Therefore, despite all of the great intentions and truly Godly people behind the push for a Tennessee marriage amendment, passage this year would actually be detrimental to the long-term efforts of conservatives to protect the institution of the family in the Volunteer State. [-more-]