
United States Supreme Court Defies God on Marriage

The United States Supreme Court has, in an immensely tragic decision, struck down as unconstitutional parts of the Defense of Marriage Act, namely the section that provides federal marriage benefits only to heterosexual couples. Sadly, the Court also refused to involve itself in the defense of California’s embattled marriage amendment, Proposition 8, choosing instead to kill the amendment by ruling that its supporters have no legal standing. Although these decisions did not create a constitutional “right” to homosexual “marriage,” the Court has set in motion the events that may eventually result in nationwide homosexual “marriage.”

As a result, June 26, 2013 will live in as much infamy as January 22, 1973. For generations to come, the pro-homosexual rulings of United States v. Windsor and Hollingsworth v. Perry will be as fiercely contested as is Roe v. Wade. The chilling effects these pro-homosexual rulings may have on religious freedom should not be taken lightly.

As the meaning of today’s rulings sink in, some Christians may be tempted to despair over the increasingly difficult battle to uphold God’s Truth in the culture. There is already a real sense of anxiety over the potential consequences of the Court’s rulings, with some Christians predicting the increased persecution of those who would speak the Word to a culture that hates God. These concerns are very real, and the results may have very serious implications in our lives. At almost every level of our federal government, homosexuality is celebrated and encouraged while Biblical opposition to homosexuality is increasingly vilified and ridiculed. What can the righteous do?

Christians can take comfort in the knowledge that even the most unjust and immoral regimes have no power but that which God has given to them (John 19:11). Even though our political leaders may reject Him and defy Him, God is the ultimate sovereign wherefrom all authority is derived. Although Christians may one day be persecuted for speaking God’s truth to this culture, they can rest in the sovereignty of God over the world and the rulers thereof. The Lord will always preserve His remnant.

It comes down to a fully-orbed view of God’s sovereignty. Either He is sovereign over the affairs of men or He is impotent. If He is powerless over the temporal affairs of the earth, then He is utterly devoid of the power to save a man’s eternal soul. But He is not powerless. He is not impotent. This is the very same God Who set planets in motion, Who commands valleys to be lifted up, Who tells mountains to be cast down; and yet He is also the very same God Who sees the tiny sparrow fall, Who clothes the lilies in splendor, and Who strengthens our frail human hearts to serve Him. Even in the wake of such an offensive and immoral Supreme Court decision, the Christian’s primary duty has not changed:

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. -Matthew 28:19-20

Throughout the Old and New Testaments, God made clear His intention for sexuality. His ideal of a one-man, one-woman, life-long union necessarily forbids adultery, incest, bestiality, pre-marital sex, and homosexuality. As such, Biblical Christian opposition to the legitimization of homosexual behavior is not rooted in hatred or fear, but rather a desire to honor and promote God’s clear intentions for sex.

The heart of a Christian desires for God’s Name to be great among the nations (Malachi 1:11), including America. So, FPN, along with the help and prayers of our Christian supporters and kindred spirits, will continue to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and unbelieving nation. We will do so on every battle front, including that of homosexuality.

FPN is committed to being Biblically faithful in our opposition to homosexual behavior AND Biblically compassionate in our response to those ensnared in it. That’s why FPN established the “Hope for Homosexuals” outreach website. If you or anyone you know is struggling with this issue, please know you are not alone. Visit to learn more about God’s desire to draw hurting and broken people to Himself.