
Americans for Truth Joins Boycott vs. Hallmark Over “same-sex couple” Cards

Another national pro-family organization has joined the nationwide boycott against America’s largest greeting card company over its endorsement of homosexuality.

The Illinois-based Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) told its supporters they have joined several other groups in boycotting Hallmark Cards, Inc. over that company’s new line of “same-sex couple” cards. Many AFTAH supporters endorsed the group’s petition to Hallmark. A sampling of their comments from across the country is listed below this story.

AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera said, “America’s cultural elites are confused about marriage and sex “” witness the 4-3 decision by Connecticut’s highest court on 10/10/08 to force ‘same-sex marriage’ on that state’s citizens “” but the road back to moral sanity is one person at a time saying ‘No!’ to today’s pro-homosexual political correctness.”

The text of the Boycott Hallmark petition reads as follows:

To: Hallmark Cards CEO Donald J. Hall

In Isaiah 5:20, God warns against exchanging good for evil by saying, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (NKJV)

In Mark 10:6-8, God’s design for marriage is expressed clearly by Jesus Christ, when He declares, “But from the beginning of the creation, God “˜made them male and female.’ For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh.” (NKJV)

I urge you to withdraw any and all products sold by your company that celebrate, condone or otherwise encourage homosexual conduct and/or relationships. Unless and until you do, you have my pledge that I will refrain from doing business with your company.

Many AFTAH supporters who signed the petition to boycott Hallmark over its pro-homosexual cards added their own comments to the statement above. Here is a sampling of those comments:

    • Cheryl in Fort Smith, AK writes, “I buy LOTS of cards..but NO Hallmark brand anymore where before I bought almost exclusively Hallmark. I will buy no more hallmark cards until they become no longer evil and polically correct.”


    • Deb in Huntsville, AL writes, “The majority of Americans are Christian Conservatives. Why do you want to lose at least 80% of your customer base in favor of the 10% perverted homosexual customers?”


    • Gray in Glendale, AZ writes, “I urge you to withdraw any and all products sold by your company that celebrate, condone or otherwise encourage homosexual conduct and/or relationships. Unless and until you do, you have my pledge that I will refrain from doing business with your company.”


    • Gina in Costa Mesa, CA writes, “There will be many, many more people refraining from doing business with you, as well.”


    • Andrea in Duarte, CA writes, “Don’t be intimidated by the radical left-wing gay agenda.”


    • Joy in Huntington Beach, CA writes, “Stop promoting agendas!! We are tired of it!”


    • Diane in Westminster, CA writes, “I am a frequent customer and a Hallmark Gold Crown member. I am so disappointed by your choice to recognize an illicit union with a card. I will no longer be supporting Hallmark with my frequent purchases.”


    • Florence in Denver, CO writes, “Niche marketing sodomy is low bar and not what Hallmark has stood for all these years.”


    • Tama in Lark Spur, CO writes, “We have purchased Hallmark cards for many years. Unless you stop your endorsement of this unGodly lifestyle–we will not purchase anything else from Hallmark. Thank you.”


    • Nancy in Jatcko, CT writes, “I am disappointed that you would take such a step. What a surprise, Hallmark. How sad.”


    • Elaine in Prospect, CT writes, “I have discarded my Hallmark Store Card, and will no longer buy your products, unless you change your policy.”


    • Michael in Daytona, FL writes, “To promote a lifestyle that Christians find offensive for mere profit makes you appear as a wolf in sheep’s clothing without moral integrity. We will not purchase your product until this changes.”


    • Janice in Fort Lauderdale, FL writes, “I am offended by your support of the unhealthy and unnatural homosexual lifestyle. I will not buy Hallmark cards until you stop.”


    • Nancy in Maitland, FL writes, “I am very disappointed at your decision to equate homosexual perversions with marriage in this way. I will not patronize any store carrying such cards.”


    • Lucy in Cumming, GA writes, “We ask you to stand for marriage and not cave into the idea that homosexual relationships are mainstream! I will not purchase Hallmark cards again until you comply!”


    • Jan in Fayetteville, GA writes, “I usually buy one of your Peanuts Christmas ornaments every year. I won’t be doing that again.”


    • Mike in Pleasantville, IA writes, “What, no NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) cards? I will never again purchase a product from your company!”


    • David in Batavia, IL writes, “Man can make something “lawful,” only God can declare it right and Godly, which is something He has not done with homosexuality.”


    • Andrea in Chicago, IL writes, “I believe you are hurting these individuals by encouraging their lifestyle.”


    • Michele in Johnsburg, IL writes, “I teach over 1000 children a year in the Northwestern Chicago area. I will inform all the parents not to buy your products.”


    • Delbra in Taylorville, IL writes, “Please reconsider the decision to carry any product which promotes or encourages a gay lifestyle. My business will go elsewhere until this decision is reversed. Thank you in advance for reconsidering.”


    • Barry in Wheaton, IL writes, “My family and I will not purchase any product from Hallmark until these cards are pulled from your shelves.”


    • Don in East Longmeadow, MA writes, “Why are you putting money ahead of morality??”


    • Daniel in Gardiner, ME writes, “Thank you for your consideration.”


    • Delores in Lincoln Park, MI writes, “I will not be updating my Hallmark Card Studio program if I learn that Hallmark will make available items promoting homosexual conduct. I will bypass Hallmark cards at the shops where they are sold.”

    • Mick in Saginaw, MI writes, “Keep up the fight! Sodomy is an abomination. Let’s keep praying that these people turn from sin and find God’s love.”


    • Robert in Belton, MO writes, “Homosexual is an abomination to our Lord. Leviticus 18:22.”


    • James in St. Charles, MO writes, “Please consider respecting and supporting traditional families by not endorsing homosexuality.”


    • Allen in Hernando, MS writes, “Bought my last card until you decide to remain neutral in the promotion of the homosexual lifestyle.”


    • Lou in Sanford, NC writes, “Shame on Hallmark…once a greatly respected name in society now reducing itself to the lowest denomination of The Crowd!”


    • Ronald in Omaha, NE writes, “I will encourage all my friend and family members to boycott your cards.”


    • Joan in Salem, NH writes, “Please reconsider making wedding cards for homosexual couples. I for one, will not buy anymore Hallmark cards, as I always do on special occasions. If I care to send the very best it won’t be a Hallmark card.”


    • Lew in Hawthorne, NJ writes, “Why any company would want to to choose sides in the culture war that is going on is beyond my understanding, especially when they choose the side that will help destroy marriage in our country.”


    • Susan in Wellsville, NY writes, “I’m 58 years old, and I’ve purchased Hallmark cards since I was in high school. Until you pull this line of cards off the market, though, I will buy other brands of cards.”


    • Kim in Canal Winchester, OH writes, “I am SO DISAPPOINTED! I will miss shopping at Hallmark!”


    • Nancy in Marion, OH writes, “Traditional marriage is a long standing American tradition. It is the foundation of the ideal family. Any other erodes that ideal and diminishes the health and value of families.”


    • Margaret in Lemont, PA writes, “Used to love Hallmark, no more!”


    • Lisa in Simpsonville, SC writes, “I love the products sold at Hallmark but cannot continue supporting their pro-homosexual agenda.”


    • Clayton in Newbern, TN writes, “Appears Hallmark is leaving their traditional American values that built your company in the dust!”


    • Barbara in Issaquah, WA writes, “Have been doing business with Hallmark stores my entire life. No more!”


    • Judith in Toledo, WA writes, “Stop pushing the gay agenda!”


    • Barbara in Milwaukee, WI writes, “Shame on Hallmark for supporting this horrible horrible perversion of homosexuality. You will answer to God one day.”


    • Carol in Sheboygan Falls, TN writes, “Until I hear or read that you are no longer promoting the gay agenda, I shall not shop at your stores.”


    • Ann in College Station, TX writes, “Homosexuality is A SINFUL PERVERSION. If you don’t believe it you need to read the Bible!”



By signing the Americans for Truth About Homosexuality SECURE petition, your name and contact data will be compiled with many others from all over the United States who are opposed Hallmark’s pro-homosexual cards. The list will be forwarded to Hallmark Chairman Donald J. Hall along with the verses above and an admonition to stop endorsing homosexual immorality.

To sign this petition now, click here:

Thank you for your support. Let’s pray together for Hallmark to do the right thing and pull these cards from their shelves.


Americans for Truth About Homosexuality:
WARNING – – Adult-oriented material:

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