
FPN Pres. calls on Sen. Specter to apologize to President

Pro-family leader described PA Senator as ‘ungrateful’ to Bush for help in primary

Forest, VA – The leader of a pro-family organization that tracks federal judicial nominations is calling on Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA) to apologize to President Bush for “warning” against selecting conservative justices for the Supreme Court.

The Associated Press is reporting that Specter has “bluntly warned newly re-elected President Bush on Wednesday against putting forth Supreme Court nominees who would seek to overturn abortion rights or are otherwise too conservative to win confirmation.”

According to the story, Specter “helped kill President Reagan’s nomination of Robert Bork to the Supreme Court and of Jeff Sessions to a federal judgeship. Specter called both nominees too extreme on civil rights issues.”

Joe Glover, President of the Family Policy Network (FPN), claims Specter’s comments are disrespectful, especially since the President is credited with saving Specter’s own bid for re-election. “President Bush risked his political career by endorsing a pro-abortion, pro-homosexual senator against a true conservative in the primary. By doing so, he clearly saved Specter’s political career. For Specter to be wagging his finger in Bush’s face now is the ultimate act of ingratitude.”

Glover says Bush’s endorsement of Specter probably cost him the state on Tuesday. He said, “Turnout among evangelicals was high nearly everywhere that our demographic is strong. It could have been strong for Bush in Pennsylvania, but his help for Specter no doubt confused many people of faith who would have otherwise been excited to ride the traditional values wave that swept most of the rest of the country this year. ”

While FPN does not support political candidates, campaigns or parties, Glover indicated Specter’s support for gay rights and abortion is damaging to the rest of the Republican Party in Pennsylvania. Glover said, “It’s no wonder the GOP doesn’t have teeth in Pennsylvania. When the elected leader of a pro-family party opposes traditional marriage and human life, it’s just too difficult to get the base to go vote.”


Specter warns Bush against nominating anti-abortion judges:

National Review Commentary blasts Specter endorsement by Bush: