
Republican U.S. Senator Flips on Same Sex ‘Marriage’

Rob Portman Be the Change, Inc. / / CC BY-NC-SA

Republican U.S. Senator Rob Portman is now supporting gay ‘marriage’ and says his reversal on the issue began when he learned one of his sons is gay.

Ohio’s junior senator disclosed his change of heart in interviews with several Ohio newspapers. In an op-ed published Friday in The Columbus Dispatch, he said the decision came after a lot of thought.

Portman told reporters that his previous views on marriage were rooted in his Methodist faith.

Portman’s reversal makes him the only Senate Republican to back gay marriage and comes as the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to hear arguments this month in a challenge to a provision of the Defense of Marriage Act. As a member of the House, Portman voted in favor of the act, which defines marriage as between a man and a woman and bars federal recognition of same-sex marriage.

FPN Policy Analyst Alex Mason said, “By affirming the sin of homosexuality, Senator Rob Portman has shown that he does not really love his son. As shocking as it may sound, that’s what Scripture teaches. Sen. Portman may disagree, but the Bible is quite clear on how parents must love their erring children.”

Mason added, “This is love: Caring about someone so much that you beg them to stop destructive and damning behavior. God has called homosexuality an abomination (Lev. 18:22). Yet Sen. Portman has not only endorsed his son’s abominable behavior, but even homosexual ‘marriage,’ which is a direct assault on the Gospel Portman claims to believe.”


Hope for Homosexuals:

Enabling the sins of a loved one makes matters worse. LOVE means telling the TRUTH about sin and forgiveness in Christ.