
Same Sex Wedding Performed in Military Chapel

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An Army chaplain has performed the first same-sex nuptial ceremony on a military base. It involved two lesbian soldiers. The ceremony took place in Louisiana, a state where same-sex marriage is not legal, so it is being described as a “religious” ceremony only.

Representative John Fleming told that the U.S. Army had confirmed to him that the chaplain had performed the ceremony less than a month ago in the base chapel at Fort Polk, which is in Fleming’s district.A spokesman for Fort Polk told the Associated Press that the event was not a marriage ceremony but a “same-gender private religious ceremony.”

Rep. Todd Akin, chairman of the Seapower & Projection Forces subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee, blasted the military for allowing the ceremony to be held in a military chapel.

Leviticus 18:22
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.(NKJV)