
Copyrighted material listed on this page is for educational purposes only according to Title 17, U.S.C. L.A. TIMES: FPN Leaders Accept White House Invitation, Predict “A Ruse”

(FPN, 5/06) – Nine days before the U.S. Senate defeated the Marriage Protection Amendment in June of 2006, FPN President Joe Glover received an invitation from the White House to attend an endorsement speech by the President in Washington, D.C. FPN accepted the invitation by sending an RSVP for Glover and FPN Policy Analyst Alexander Mason. Yet, Glover simultaneously questioned the president’s tardiness in supporting the Marriage Protection Amendment in a variety of media interviews. Here are a few examples:

latimesOn the Saturday before the president’s planned speech, The Los Angeles Times printed this quote from Glover: “I’m going to go and hear what he says, but we already know it is a ruse,” he said. “We’re not buying it. We’re going to go and watch the dog-and-pony show, [but] it’s too little, too late.”

latimesGlover questioned the president’s support for protecting marriage in an American Family Radio interview that aired on 200 radio stations on the morning of the speech by saying, “He hasn’t twisted any arms, he hasn’t made any deals, he hasn’t been pushing senators to support defining marriage as between a man and a woman. And [yet] he thinks that he can hold one speech — the day before the vote, which is a clear expression of weakness, and appease conservatives as if he’s done something significant.”

latimesThe Washington Times also covered FPN’s criticism for the Bush administration’s limited support for marriage. The paper quoted Glover as saying, “The Bush administration is only tiptoeing around this amendment. It’s clear he’s not serious about [passing it].” .. “This administration could care less about protecting marriage. Otherwise they would have had a ceremony in the Rose Garden three or four weeks ago. There would be several sore arms in the Senate by now.”

Click here for a transcript of President Bush’s remarks in support of the Marriage Protection Amendment on Monday, June 5, 2006.

Click here for a transcript of President Bush’s radio address given in support of the Marriage Protection Amendment on Saturday, June 3, 2006.