
FREDERICKSBURG Policy Briefing on Virginia Abortion Issues – June 24th

Family Policy Network is hosting a Policy Briefing on Thursday, June 24, 2010 in Fredericksburg, VA to discuss recent abortion-related issues in Virginia. The meeting will include reports from former Virginia GOP Chairman Pat McSweeney and pro-life Virginia Delegate Bob Marshall.

Topics to be covered in this meeting will include:

  • How Republican lawmakers killed “personhood” legislation in the 2010 session of the Virginia General Assembly
  • What Governor Bob McDonnell did to create a new funding stream for abortion provider Planned Parenthood in Virginia

Pro-life citizens within driving distance of the Fredericksburg area are invited to this important meeting. There is no charge to attend. Participants will hear information in this meeting that they will not hear anywhere else.

NOTE: Media representatives are not permitted inside FPN Policy Briefings. Please contact FPN to arrange a pre-event interview.


TOPIC: Recent Abortion-related Issues in Virginia

DATE/TIME: Thursday, June 24, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.

SPEAKERS: Delegate Bob Marshall, Pat McSweeney

RSVP: Appreciated but not required via Facebook OR Email

LOCATION: Perkins Restaurant, 14 Simpson Road, Fredericksburg, VA [directions]

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You can help FPN in the following ways:

  • Help promote this FPN Policy Briefing by posting a link on your Facebook profile and/or by sending a link to conservative friends. For more ways to promote the event, contact Family Policy Network.
  • After the event, make your voice heard. Let politicians know how you feel about the things you learn. After all, it’s been said that nothing moves in politics unless it is pushed. Making your feelings known to other citizens and to elected officials will make a positive difference.
  • Leverage the impact of your voice by recruiting conservative friends and neighbors to get educated and speak out, too. One way to do that is to bring others with you to the FPN Policy Briefing.
  • Contribute to FPN to help with this and other projects designed to inform Christians and confront the culture on the important moral issues of the day.