
FPN President Applauds Warner for Removal of “Hate Crimes” Language from Defense Bill

NEWS CONTACT: Joe Glover – 804-419-4483 ext. 456

FOREST, VA – The leader of a pro-family organization opposed to the homosexual agenda yesterday praised U.S. Senator John Warner (R-VA) for working to defeat a pro-homosexual measure in Congress to add “sexual orientation” to the federal hate crimes law.

Joe Glover, President of the Virginia-based Family Policy Network said, “John Warner did the right thing by opposing the addition of ‘sexual orientation’ to the federal hate crimes law. This vote sends a clear message that violence toward anyone is wrong, regardless of the motive behind it.”

Last week, Glover and his group released a statement condemning the recent murder of a homosexual man in Roanoke, Virginia. The statement said Daniel Overstreet’s killer should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Days later, FPN spokesman Jay DeLancey was quoted in the Richmond Times-Dispatch, saying, “Murder is already a capital offense in Virginia. … We shouldn’t create laws that single out certain victims for special protections.”

The aforementioned press statement from FPN said the group’s opposition to violence against homosexuals is consistent with its opposition to homosexual behavior. In the statement, Glover said, “I am opposed to homosexuality for the same reason I am opposed to murder: It leads many people to an early grave.”

The International Journal of Epidemiology recently released a study showing men engaging in homosexual acts by age 20 have just over a fifty percent chance of reaching age sixty-five.


Family Policy Network is Virginia’s American Family Association affiliate organization. The group has established a web site for people who wish to leave the homosexual lifestyle at

For more information on this story, see:
Journal of Epidemiology Reports on Early Gay Deaths
AP Wire Story on Hate Crimes Removal
Roanoke Times Murder Story
AP Wire Murder Story
FPN’s Principles for Opposing Homosexuality