
Washington State Approves “Gay Marriage,” But God Doesn’t

Legislators in Washington State are on the verge of creating a government-endorsed “right” to immorality. News reports indicate that a proposed law instituting so-called “gay marriage” in The Evergreen State is now likely to pass both state houses.

If passed, the proposed law would mean Washington will join New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Iowa and Washington, D.C. in desecrating an institution created and defined by God. It is important to note that each of those seven states (plus Washington, D.C.) will have so-called “gay marriage” as a result of rogue state courts or legislatures. There has not yet been a single state to approve homosexual “marriage” as a result of popular referendum.

If the Washington State bill is passed, nearly one-sixth of Americans will live in a state that legitimizes and rewards that which God has called an abomination.

But regardless of what any state legislature claims, it is impossible for two homosexuals to get married. God, the Creator of marriage, defined it as a relationship between one man and one woman for life. No one can change that fact.

Even so, governments should not abandon their Biblical responsibilities of upholding what is good, and restricting what is evil (Romans 13:1-5). God has given mankind His standards for human sexuality, and human governments must not honor or legitimize that which God has forbidden.

In America, however, the fault does not rest solely with our government. For the most part, the fault lies with the American people. The government of the United States is historically unique because, unlike the vast majority of human governments that have ever existed, its actions are determined largely by its citizens, not a rogue monarchy or dictatorship. As such, we receive a government that reflects our collective societal values. Our government rewards that which society esteems. As more and more states are seeking to pass so-called “gay marriage” laws, it is becoming all the more apparent that our society has rejected God in favor of a lie, calling evil good and good evil (Isaiah 5:20).

Many Christians will be tempted to look at what Washington State legislators may do and then predict an impending judgment from God for our society’s sin. And while it may be true that God intends to further punish America for our defiance, it must be understood that we are already under judgment. The passage of homosexual “marriage” in America is good evidence that God has already given our country over to a depraved mind, according to the teachings of Romans 1.

We would do well to repent, and quickly, so we have our own houses in order. Then we must pray for our nation, our leaders and our fellow citizens to turn their hearts toward God, too.

Matthew 19:4-6

And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”