
40% of Pregnancies in New York City Are Aborted

Shocking new figures show that New York City is the most dangerous place to be an unborn child.

A new study released by the New York City-based Chiaroscuro Foundation shows that 83,000 abortions were performed in the nation’s largest city in 2010. That figure accounts for 40% of all pregnancies in the city that year.

This means New York City has the highest abortion rate in the nation, a rate that is almost double the national average.

According to the most recent statistics just released by the New York City Department of Health:

  • There were 208,541 pregnancies in New York City in 2010. They resulted in 124,791 live births and 83,750 abortions, a 40% abortion rate.
  • Among non-Hispanic blacks there were far more abortions than births, 38,574 to 26,635, or 60%. So for every 1,000 African-American babies born, 1,448 were aborted.
  • Among Non-Hispanic black teens, the abortion rate was even greater – 5,956 abortions to 2,265 live births, or 72%. For every 1,000 African-American babies born to teens, 2,630 were aborted.
  • The abortion rate among teens as a whole was 63% – 12,139 abortions to 7,207 live births. For every 1,000 babies born among New York City teens 1,684 were aborted.
  • Some 16% of all pregnancies in New York City – 14% of abortions – were with teen mothers, 54% of abortions were with mothers in their 20′s; 30% of abortions were with mothers in their 30′s or 40′s; and 14% of abortions were with married mothers.

Exodus 20:13
“You shall not murder.(NKJV)