

Now, please help us to spread the word!

The petition you just signed is hosted by Family Policy Network, which provides this pro-family petition service FREE OF CHARGE to solidly Christian, pro-family groups and activists throughout the nation. Working together through this system, many people who share the same burden to see righteousness and civility in America are speaking together with a clear, collective voice.

Our ability to provide this free service depends on the prayers and partnership of faithful friends just like you. So, please help us to expand the impact of this system in three important ways:

    1. PRAY that many people throughout the nation will sign this petition, and that it will make a difference in eternity, and in the life of our nation!


    1. Make a small, tax-deductible, $3 or $5 contribution to help us defray expenses and expand this network. Choose from a variety of ways to give by clicking here.


    1. Help us recruit an army! If you received an email telling you about the petition, simply “forward” that message to your friends. If you prefer, simply return to the petition you just signed and use the “Share This” button to alert your friends to this important issue.


Thank you for signing the petition, and for helping us to be “salt and light” on this important issue.


Joe Glover, President
Family Policy Network

PS: If you cannot give at this time, we understand. Your prayers, and your efforts to inform others of this important battle are greatly appreciated. (Don’t forget to tell your friends!)