
Frozen Embyros Will Languish in Storage

No one would contest that reproductive science has advanced dramatically in recent years. A recent news story details this week’s birth of a baby that developed from an embryo frozen almost twenty years ago. While this advancement of science is hailed by many as a positive development, there is a dark side of the technology that remains untold.

The technology used to freeze embryos has been used on more than 400,000 embryos since the 1970s. Only a depressingly tiny fraction of that number have been implanted in the wombs of women in order to develop and be born. That means hundreds of thousands of tiny humans exist in storage at fertility clinics. There, they will either languish indefinitely or be destroyed in the pursuit of “research,” which is often funded with your tax dollars.


Baby Born From Embryo Frozen For 20 Years
My Fox New York

A healthy baby boy was born from an embryo frozen for almost 20 years in what was hailed Sunday as scientific breakthrough that could allow women to start families much later in life.

The infant’s mother, who is 42, underwent infertility treatment for 10 years before she was given the embryo last year. She gave birth to a baby boy in May this year.


Matthew 18:10

“Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who is in heaven.