
Abortions Far Outpace Adoption Referrals at Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Steve Rhodes / / CC BY-NC-SA

Planned Parenthood recently released its 2011-2012 annual report, which showed a rise in the number of abortions performed for the first time in two decades, as well as a record amount of government funding.

The report indicated that Planned Parenthood performed a record-high 333,964 abortions during 2011.

An analysis by the Susan B. Anthony List, which works to support pro-life lawmakers, asserts that, based on this report, up to 92 percent of Planned Parenthood’s pregnant clients received abortions.

In contrast, the analysis observed, prenatal care patients accounted for only seven percent, and adoption referrals were less than one percent.

The report showed that “For every adoption referral, Planned Parenthood performed 145 abortions” while cancer screening and prevention services have dropped by 29 percent.