
Abortion Groups Spending Big in Swing States

Planned Parenthood’s political arm will reportedly spend $3.2 million this September in Ohio and Virginia, according to The Hill’s Alexander Bolton. This will be a follow up to a $1.4 million “anti-Romney ad buy in Iowa; Florida ; and northern Virginia in June.” PPFA will be joined by NARAL and EMILY’s List in swing states.

While not revealing its targeted states, Elizabeth Shipp, NARAL’s political director, told Bolton that it planned a similar effort to “educate voters on the Romney-Ryan record.”
Without giving specific spending numbers, Shipp told Bolton that the figure would be similar to what NARAL spent in recent presidential elections–around $2.5 million in 2008 and $2.5 million in 2004.

No numbers were given for EMILY’s List, which endorses only the most radical pro-abortionists.